Discover the enchanting universe of 'Distant Worlds Vol. 3: Episode 3', illustrated by the talented Icar. This thrilling installment features a BRAND NEW paperback format with 48 pages of captivating storytelling from Cinebook Ltd. Join Paul as he navigates the perilous landscapes of an alien planet, after being rescued by the resourceful biologist Mr. Amid. In a vivid narrative, witness Paul’s journey as he aids Amid in studying Altair’s precious pearls and the dying flora that produce them. As the adventure unfolds, Paul not only seeks his father but also evolves into a resilient survivor. This compelling graphic novel is perfect for fans of science fiction and adventure, inviting readers to explore themes of survival, resilience, and human nature amidst a breathtaking wilderness. Dive into the gripping tales embedded in 'Distant Worlds Vol. 3: Episode 3', a must-read for all graphic novel enthusiasts and a valuable addition to any sci-fi collection. Fast shipping is available, ensuring your experience is seamless from purchase to delivery, with this exciting title arriving quickly on your doorstep.
Illustrated by Icar
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages 48
Publisher Cinebook Ltd
Abandoned amidst a hostile wilderness, Paul has been rescued by a biologist, Mr Amid. The scientist is studying the pearls that are Altair's true wealth ? and more particularly the plants that produce them and that appear to be dying off. Amid offers to take on Paul as his assistant, but the young man is still looking for his father. As he follows the trail, Paul becomes tougher and more inured to life on his new planet ? and to human nature.
Illustrated by Icar
Condition: BRAND NEW
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages 48
Publisher Cinebook Ltd
Abandoned amidst a hostile wilderness, Paul has been rescued by a biologist, Mr Amid. The scientist is studying the pearls that are Altair's true wealth ? and more particularly the plants that produce them and that appear to be dying off. Amid offers to take on Paul as his assistant, but the young man is still looking for his father. As he follows the trail, Paul becomes tougher and more inured to life on his new planet ? and to human nature.