Discover the poignant collection of short stories titled Dear Ibis, a brand new release from 2021 published by Spineless Wonders Publishing. This captivating book unfolds a tapestry of human experiences set in the stunning landscapes of New South Wales, particularly during the harrowing backdrop of the 2019-20 bushfires. Each story is a heartfelt meditation on feeling at home and confronting loss, making it ideal for readers seeking deep emotional narratives. With lyrical prose and richly developed characters, Dear Ibis offers tales of birth, death, resilience, and the enduring ache of love and motherhood—perfect for those who appreciate unique storytelling that resonates long after the final page. Esteemed voices like Gabbie Stroud and Christine Howe applaud this collection for its raw honesty and emotional depth, marking it as a significant work in contemporary Australian literature. This book is essential for literature lovers who value tender and profound narratives. Whether you are experiencing the world of contemporary short fiction for the first time or are a devoted fan, Dear Ibis navigates complex themes with grace and courage, making it a must-have for your collection. Enjoy free shipping on this item, and please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once ordered, please note that it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925052619
Year: 2021
Publisher: Spineless Wonders Publishing
From the author of The Waterfowl Are Drunk! comes a pointed and poignant collection of short stories for the present moment. Dear Ibis is a tender yet unflinching meditation on what it means to feel at home, and what it means to have this taken away. Set in New South Wales’ lush South Coast against the backdrop of the 2019-20 bushfires come stories of birth and death, disability and resilience, colonial greed and moral reckonings. Infused with lyrical prose, vast coastal backdrop and a vividly realised cast of characters, Dear Ibis is a letter for anyone feeling unmoored trying to find their way back to shore.
â€Dear Ibis is a collection that resolutely and sincerely dismantles life’s endless tender brutality and marks Liston-Mills as a formidable contemporary regional voice. Each story beats with a huge pulsating heart, affecting and haunting, long after the book is set aside.’ — Gabbie Stroud, Dear Parents
'A magnificent, kaleidoscopic vision of tenderness and love, told with courage, humour and precision.' — Christine Howe, Song in the Dark
'From the author of The Waterfowl Are Drunk! comes an elegant and moving collection of short fiction set principally in New South Wales. With stories taking place against the backdrop of the 2019–2020 bushfires, stories that explore the tenderness and longing of first love, and stories that explore the ache of motherhood (through the eyes of wetland birds), Dear Ibis is a gentle and deeply affecting collection that is resonant of
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781925052619
Year: 2021
Publisher: Spineless Wonders Publishing
From the author of The Waterfowl Are Drunk! comes a pointed and poignant collection of short stories for the present moment. Dear Ibis is a tender yet unflinching meditation on what it means to feel at home, and what it means to have this taken away. Set in New South Wales’ lush South Coast against the backdrop of the 2019-20 bushfires come stories of birth and death, disability and resilience, colonial greed and moral reckonings. Infused with lyrical prose, vast coastal backdrop and a vividly realised cast of characters, Dear Ibis is a letter for anyone feeling unmoored trying to find their way back to shore.
â€Dear Ibis is a collection that resolutely and sincerely dismantles life’s endless tender brutality and marks Liston-Mills as a formidable contemporary regional voice. Each story beats with a huge pulsating heart, affecting and haunting, long after the book is set aside.’ — Gabbie Stroud, Dear Parents
'A magnificent, kaleidoscopic vision of tenderness and love, told with courage, humour and precision.' — Christine Howe, Song in the Dark
'From the author of The Waterfowl Are Drunk! comes an elegant and moving collection of short fiction set principally in New South Wales. With stories taking place against the backdrop of the 2019–2020 bushfires, stories that explore the tenderness and longing of first love, and stories that explore the ache of motherhood (through the eyes of wetland birds), Dear Ibis is a gentle and deeply affecting collection that is resonant of