Discover the thrilling continuation of the epic DCeased saga in 'DCeased: Dead Planet'. This captivating graphic novel, published by Random House US in 2021, takes you five years after the grim evacuation of Earth due to the devastating Anti-Life Equation outbreak. Immerse yourself in a gripping narrative where the survivors, now residing on Earth 2, face a new challenge as they receive a mysterious distress signal from their home planet. Can there be life on this dead planet, or are the remnants of humanity long gone?
Join the new Justice League, featuring Damian Wayne as Batman, Jon Kent as Superman, and Cassie Sandsmark as Wonder Woman, as they embark on a perilous journey back to Earth. This suspense-filled saga entwines elements of action, horror, and heroism, showcasing the struggle of our beloved heroes against overwhelming odds.
Written by the New York Times bestselling duo Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine, 'DCeased: Dead Planet' is a must-read for fans of the original series. This collector's edition compiles issues #1-7, offering an unforgettable reading experience filled with stunning artwork and an intricate storyline.
Order now to explore the fate of Earth and its heroes!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779507952
Year: 2021
Pages: 208
Delivery information: Enjoy swift shipping options available for your convenience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779507952
Year: 2021
Pages: 208
Five years after the end of the world...anti-life goes on in this sequel to the smash-hit series DCeased.
Five years have passed since Earth was evacuated following the deadly outbreak of the Anti-Life Equation.
The survivors have found a home on Earth 2, but it's a tenuous existence until the new Justice League receives a faint distress call from Earth. Can life possibly still exist on this dead planet? The new League, led by Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, and Cassie Sandsmark-the new Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman-must return home but who-or what-is lying in wait for these fearless heroes?
The New York Times bestselling creators of DCeased, Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine, return to tell the next chapter in this epic saga! Collects DCeased- Dead Planet #1-7.
Join the new Justice League, featuring Damian Wayne as Batman, Jon Kent as Superman, and Cassie Sandsmark as Wonder Woman, as they embark on a perilous journey back to Earth. This suspense-filled saga entwines elements of action, horror, and heroism, showcasing the struggle of our beloved heroes against overwhelming odds.
Written by the New York Times bestselling duo Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine, 'DCeased: Dead Planet' is a must-read for fans of the original series. This collector's edition compiles issues #1-7, offering an unforgettable reading experience filled with stunning artwork and an intricate storyline.
Order now to explore the fate of Earth and its heroes!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779507952
Year: 2021
Pages: 208
Delivery information: Enjoy swift shipping options available for your convenience.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779507952
Year: 2021
Pages: 208
Five years after the end of the world...anti-life goes on in this sequel to the smash-hit series DCeased.
Five years have passed since Earth was evacuated following the deadly outbreak of the Anti-Life Equation.
The survivors have found a home on Earth 2, but it's a tenuous existence until the new Justice League receives a faint distress call from Earth. Can life possibly still exist on this dead planet? The new League, led by Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, and Cassie Sandsmark-the new Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman-must return home but who-or what-is lying in wait for these fearless heroes?
The New York Times bestselling creators of DCeased, Tom Taylor and Trevor Hairsine, return to tell the next chapter in this epic saga! Collects DCeased- Dead Planet #1-7.