Discover the profound exploration of identity and freedom in 'Dangling Man', a compelling novel by the renowned author Saul Bellow. This B-format paperback edition, published by Penguin UK in 2007, showcases Bellow's skillful narrative as he delves into the life of Joseph, who is caught in a web of uncertainty as he awaits his induction into the army. Set against the backdrop of Chicago, 'Dangling Man' beautifully captures the restlessness and existential musings of a man grappling with idleness while the turmoil of war looms large around him. Spanning 208 pages, this brand new release is perfect for readers interested in classic literature, psychological insight, and themes of choice and freedom. Join Joseph on his introspective journey as he reflects on his past and navigates the complexities of human existence. Ideal for both weekend reading and academic study, this novel appeals to lovers of literary fiction and anyone intrigued by the philosophical questions it raises. Get your copy today and immerse yourself in Bellow's timeless prose.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141188775
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2007
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 208
Expecting to be inducted into the army, Joseph has given up his job and carefully prepared for his departure to the battlefront. When a series of mix-ups delays his induction, he finds himself facing a year of idleness. Dangling Man is his journal, a wonderful account of his restless wanderings through Chicago's streets, his musings on the past, his psychological reaction to his inactivity while war rages around him, and his uneasy insights into the nature of freedom and choice.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141188775
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2007
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 208
Expecting to be inducted into the army, Joseph has given up his job and carefully prepared for his departure to the battlefront. When a series of mix-ups delays his induction, he finds himself facing a year of idleness. Dangling Man is his journal, a wonderful account of his restless wanderings through Chicago's streets, his musings on the past, his psychological reaction to his inactivity while war rages around him, and his uneasy insights into the nature of freedom and choice.