Explore the captivating world of "Crisis in the Cotswolds," a thrilling novel that blends mystery and personal drama set in the picturesque village of Broad Campden. Newly married couple Thea and Drew face unexpected challenges that test their bond. Thea, longing for adventure and excitement beyond domesticity, rekindles her passion for solving crimes when a burial unearths family secrets that not only draw her in but also put her husband, Drew, at the center of a tumultuous family feud. This gripping tale from Faber Factory, published in 2019, is filled with twists and turns that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. As Drew grapples with work crises and Thea is enchanted by a mysterious newcomer, the question arises: can their marriage survive the latest drama in the enchanting Cotswolds? Perfect for fans of contemporary fiction, romantic suspense, and cozy mysteries. With 360 pages of engaging storytelling, this book invites you to uncover the secrets hidden beneath the surface of village life. Get your copy of "Crisis in the Cotswolds" today and dive into a world where love, intrigue, and the charm of the Cotswolds collide. Fast shipping options available to ensure your reading adventure begins soon!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780749023386
Year: 2019
Publisher: Faber Factory
Pages: 360
Thea and Drew have been married for a year and are settled in the village of Broad Campden, but Thea is chafing at the domestic routines she is expected to devote herself to, missing the novelty and adventure that house-sitting used to bring. When a routine burial exposes the secrets of the deceased, Drew finds himself caught in the middle of a family feud, in which he feels he is on the wrong side, and Thea's inquisitiveness and penchant for solving crimes draws her in too. With another crisis at Drew's other business leaving him with a profound dilemma and Thea struggling against the charismatic charms of a new man, can their marriage survive this latest Cotswold drama?
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780749023386
Year: 2019
Publisher: Faber Factory
Pages: 360
Thea and Drew have been married for a year and are settled in the village of Broad Campden, but Thea is chafing at the domestic routines she is expected to devote herself to, missing the novelty and adventure that house-sitting used to bring. When a routine burial exposes the secrets of the deceased, Drew finds himself caught in the middle of a family feud, in which he feels he is on the wrong side, and Thea's inquisitiveness and penchant for solving crimes draws her in too. With another crisis at Drew's other business leaving him with a profound dilemma and Thea struggling against the charismatic charms of a new man, can their marriage survive this latest Cotswold drama?