Discover the gripping tale of 'Cotton Comes to Harlem,' a masterful blend of suspense and dark humor that captures the essence of 1970s Harlem. This captivating B-format paperback, published by Penguin UK in 2021, spans 240 pages of thrilling narrative. Follow the audacious detectives Grave Digger Jones and Coffin Ed as they untangle a web of deceit involving a shady preacher, Deke O'Malley, who peddles false dreams of a new life in Africa. When a theft results in tragedy, these two relentless detectives navigate a dangerous landscape filled with violence, sex, and unexpected twists. This novel not only delivers heart-pounding action but also exposes the absurdity of the human condition through its vivid characters and sharp dialogue. Perfect for fans of crime fiction and anyone who appreciates tales of resilience against corruption, 'Cotton Comes to Harlem' is an essential addition to your reading list. Order your copy today and dive into a world where justice is pursued, no matter the cost. Fast delivery options available to ensure your reading experience is uninterrupted.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241521090
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 240
'He belongs with those great demented realists ... whose writing pitilessly exposes the ridiculousness of the human condition' Will Self
A preacher called Deke O'Malley's been selling false hope- the promise of a glorious new life in Africa for just $1,000 a family. But when thieves with machine guns steal the proceeds - and send one man to the morgue - the con is up. Now Grave Digger Jones and Coffin Ed mean to bring the good people of Harlem back their $87,000, however many corpses they have to climb over to get it.
Cotton Comes to Harlem is a non-stop ride, with violence, sex, double-crosses, and the two baddest detectives ever to wear a badge in Harlem.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241521090
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 240
'He belongs with those great demented realists ... whose writing pitilessly exposes the ridiculousness of the human condition' Will Self
A preacher called Deke O'Malley's been selling false hope- the promise of a glorious new life in Africa for just $1,000 a family. But when thieves with machine guns steal the proceeds - and send one man to the morgue - the con is up. Now Grave Digger Jones and Coffin Ed mean to bring the good people of Harlem back their $87,000, however many corpses they have to climb over to get it.
Cotton Comes to Harlem is a non-stop ride, with violence, sex, double-crosses, and the two baddest detectives ever to wear a badge in Harlem.