Discover a gripping tale of conflict and community in 'Corporal Hitler's Pistol' by Tom Keneally. This thought-provoking novel, published in 2022 by Penguin Australia Pty Ltd, intricately explores themes of race, identity, and the impact of war on small-town life in early twentieth-century Australia. Set against the backdrop of rural Australia, the story begins when an affluent Kempsey matron encounters a young Aboriginal boy resembling her husband, sparking turmoil within her comfortable existence. As the town is thrown into chaos, Keneally interweaves the narratives of a First World War hero, a tragic murder, and the life of a misunderstood gay veteran, painting a vivid picture of the struggles faced by diverse communities. This compelling read with 352 pages invites readers to reflect on historical and social dilemmas that remain relevant today. The gripping storytelling and rich character development will keep you hooked from start to finish. Ideal for those interested in Australian literature, historical fiction, and novels addressing race relations, this book promises an enriching literary experience. Available in BRAND NEW condition, it’s a must-have for your collection. Order now to delve into this beautifully crafted narrative about the interactions between black and white Australians, spiraling into a reflection on humanity amidst the backdrop of war. Conveniently shipped directly to your door from Smartfox NZ—enjoy seamless delivery for your reading pleasure.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760893231
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 352
When an affluent Kempsey matron spots a young Aboriginal boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to her husband, not only does she scream for divorce, attempt to take control of the child's future and upend her comfortable life, but the whole town seems drawn into chaos.
A hero of the First World War has a fit at the cinema and is taken to a psychiatric ward in Sydney, his Irish farmhand is murdered, and a gay piano-playing veteran, quietly a friend to many in town, is implicated.
Corporal Hitler's Pistol speaks to the never-ending war that began with 'the war to end all wars'. Rural communities have always been a melting pot and many are happy to accept a diverse bunch ... as long as they don't overstep. Set in a town he knows very well, in this novel Tom Keneally tells a compelling story of the interactions and relationships between black and white Australians in early twentieth-century Australia.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781760893231
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2022
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 352
When an affluent Kempsey matron spots a young Aboriginal boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to her husband, not only does she scream for divorce, attempt to take control of the child's future and upend her comfortable life, but the whole town seems drawn into chaos.
A hero of the First World War has a fit at the cinema and is taken to a psychiatric ward in Sydney, his Irish farmhand is murdered, and a gay piano-playing veteran, quietly a friend to many in town, is implicated.
Corporal Hitler's Pistol speaks to the never-ending war that began with 'the war to end all wars'. Rural communities have always been a melting pot and many are happy to accept a diverse bunch ... as long as they don't overstep. Set in a town he knows very well, in this novel Tom Keneally tells a compelling story of the interactions and relationships between black and white Australians in early twentieth-century Australia.