Constable Country (Sloan and Crosby 28)

SKU: PR357192

Sale price$40.10


Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780749030858
Year: 2024
Publisher: Faber Factory

When Mike Wakefield's business partner absconded with their printing firm'smoney, Mike and his wife Stephanie feared bankruptcy. Detective InspectorSloan is at first tasked with what appears to be a cut-and-dry case ofembezzlement, but that is before unsettling events - tyres slashed, bricksthrough windows - make it clear that someone is really gunning for him.However, Mike Wakefield was determined to finish a print job that had been inhand for a while in time for a launch party at the grand setting of OrnumHouse. All goes according to plan until one of Mike's employees was founddead ... And he wasn't the only casualty.DI Sloan and DC Crosby have a tangled set of motives and some deviouschicanery to unpick to discover a killer.

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