Discover 'Come Join Our Disease', the captivating new novel by the acclaimed author of Perfidious Albion. This darkly comic tale explores the themes of resistance, radicalism, and redemption in a society fraught with challenges. Set in contemporary London, the story follows Maya, a homeless woman whose life takes a dramatic turn when a tech company offers her a job and a place to live. However, there's a catch: Maya must document her journey on Instagram, epitomizing productivity and perfection. As she navigates her new reality, she uncovers the profound truth that sickness can symbolize a form of revolution. Alongside fellow outcasts, Maya catalyzes a movement that defaces wellness billboards, flooding social media with raw, unfiltered expressions of truth. This narrative is not just a commentary on homelessness or technology; it's a rich tapestry woven with themes of social justice, the struggles of marginalized communities, and the quest for identity in an increasingly digital world. Join Maya as she challenges societal norms, embracing chaos and anarchy as tools for liberation. Perfect for fans of contemporary fiction and those passionate about stories addressing real-world issues, 'Come Join Our Disease' is a must-read for anyone seeking a profound and humorous exploration of modern life. Available in brand-new condition with an ISBN of 9780571360093 and published in 2022 by Faber, this book is ready to join your collection today.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571360093
Year: 2022
Publisher: Faber
The new novel from the author of Perfidious Albion - a darkly comic and profoundly affecting novel about resistance, radicalism and redemption.
Maya is homeless. When her site is razed by ruthless authorities, she's detained. But then, Maya is given a lifeline; a chance to re-enter society again. A tech company - angling to raise its philanthropic profile - offers her a job and a flat. There's one caveat: Maya must document her inspiring progress on Instagram to show that anyone can be productive; perfect.
Yet Maya realises that sickness is a kind of revolution. With other outcasts, Maya starts a movement: billboards promoting wellness are defaced all over London and her media feed is flooded with obscene, filthy images. Suddenly, questions arise about the forces unleashed: liberation and madness, protest and anarchy, rebellion and chaos.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571360093
Year: 2022
Publisher: Faber
The new novel from the author of Perfidious Albion - a darkly comic and profoundly affecting novel about resistance, radicalism and redemption.
Maya is homeless. When her site is razed by ruthless authorities, she's detained. But then, Maya is given a lifeline; a chance to re-enter society again. A tech company - angling to raise its philanthropic profile - offers her a job and a flat. There's one caveat: Maya must document her inspiring progress on Instagram to show that anyone can be productive; perfect.
Yet Maya realises that sickness is a kind of revolution. With other outcasts, Maya starts a movement: billboards promoting wellness are defaced all over London and her media feed is flooded with obscene, filthy images. Suddenly, questions arise about the forces unleashed: liberation and madness, protest and anarchy, rebellion and chaos.