Discover the enchanting world of 'Claiming T-Mo', a captivating science fiction novel that blends imagination with profound themes of identity and love. This astonishing tale follows Novic, an immortal Sayneth priest, who defies the norms of his matriarchal society by naming his child. This bold choice sparks chaos, splitting the boy into two distinct identities: T-Mo, nurtured by his mother Silhouette on the lush planet Grovea, and Odysseus, who embarks on an epic journey to Earth. The narrative unfolds through the perspectives of three strong female characters—Silhouette, Salem, and Myra—each confronting their fears while navigating the complexities of love and acceptance. As they grapple with the darkness within Odysseus, they are faced with heart-wrenching decisions that challenge their very existence. Published by Meerkat Press in 2019, this BRAND NEW novel (ISBN: 9781946154132) has been praised for its provocative storytelling and poetic language. Publishers Weekly describes it as a gleeful and wacky debut, while Foreword Reviews calls it unforgettable. Immerse yourself in this interplanetary saga that masterfully explores the depths of family dynamics and human emotion. Remember, shipping for 'Claiming T-Mo' is free, and delivery may take up to 6 weeks. Once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781946154132
Year: 2019
Publisher: Meerkat Press, LLC
In this lush interplanetary tale, Novic is an immortal Sayneth priest who flouts the conventions of a matriarchal society by choosing a name for his child. This act initiates chaos that splits the boy in two, unleashing a Jekyll-and-Hyde child upon the universe. Named T-Mo by his mother and Odysseus by his father, the story spans the boy's lifetime a from his early years with his mother Silhouette on planet Grovea to his travels to Earth where he meets and marries Salem, and together they bear a hybrid named Myra. The story unfolds through the eyes of these three distinctive women: Silhouette, Salem and Myra. As they confront their fears and navigate the treacherous paths to love and accept T-Mo/Odysseus and themselves, the darkness in Odysseus urges them to unbearable choices that threaten their very existence.
Publishers Weekly– "Bacon explores a four-generation alien family saga in this gleeful, wacky debut." –Full Review
Foreword Reviews– "Claiming T-Mo is literate, imaginative, and provocative—a strong, even unforgettable, science fiction debut."
Aurealis Magazine, Megan Kelly– "Bacon enthralls readers with an innovative narrative that extols the potency of using poetic language in fiction." –Full Review
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781946154132
Year: 2019
Publisher: Meerkat Press, LLC
In this lush interplanetary tale, Novic is an immortal Sayneth priest who flouts the conventions of a matriarchal society by choosing a name for his child. This act initiates chaos that splits the boy in two, unleashing a Jekyll-and-Hyde child upon the universe. Named T-Mo by his mother and Odysseus by his father, the story spans the boy's lifetime a from his early years with his mother Silhouette on planet Grovea to his travels to Earth where he meets and marries Salem, and together they bear a hybrid named Myra. The story unfolds through the eyes of these three distinctive women: Silhouette, Salem and Myra. As they confront their fears and navigate the treacherous paths to love and accept T-Mo/Odysseus and themselves, the darkness in Odysseus urges them to unbearable choices that threaten their very existence.
Publishers Weekly– "Bacon explores a four-generation alien family saga in this gleeful, wacky debut." –Full Review
Foreword Reviews– "Claiming T-Mo is literate, imaginative, and provocative—a strong, even unforgettable, science fiction debut."
Aurealis Magazine, Megan Kelly– "Bacon enthralls readers with an innovative narrative that extols the potency of using poetic language in fiction." –Full Review