Discover the intriguing world of 'Christina Alberta's Father,' a captivating novel that explores themes of belief, identity, and societal critique. Set in the aftermath of the First World War, this story follows Mr. Preemby, a retired laundryman who, plagued by grief after his wife's death, becomes convinced that he is the reincarnation of Sargon, the ancient king of Sumeria. This thought-provoking narrative invites readers to delve into Mr. Preemby's psyche as his stepdaughter, Christina Alberta, attempts to understand her unique family dynamics and the eccentricities of her stepfather. With sharp wit and clever storytelling, this novel brilliantly fuses elements of social satire and psychological study, making it a must-read for fans of literary fiction. Join readers on a journey through a world where characters yearn for meaning, yet grapple with the futility of their aspirations—inevitably critiquing utopian ideals and the disillusionment following the Great War. Published by Peter Owen Publishers in 2017, this brand new paperback edition is ISBN 9780720619393. Enhance your bookshelf with a timeless classic that resonates with contemporary issues of faith and hope. Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be canceled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780720619393
Year: 2017
Publisher: Peter Owen Publishers
In the months following his wife's death, Mr. Preemby, a retired laundryman becomes convinced that he is the incarnation of Sargon, the ancient king of Sumeria, returned to save a world upturned by the First World War. Trying to make sense of Mr Preemby is his stepdaughter, Christina Alberta. A masterclass in comic invention, Christina Alberta's Father depicts characters who long for something to believe in, just so long as it is not 'some horrible Utopia by Wells', but whose attempts to change the world are always doomed to disappointment. Whether taken as a social satire, a psychological study or a critique of Wells's own beliefs and relationships, Christina Alberta's Father makes for a fascinating and delightful read.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780720619393
Year: 2017
Publisher: Peter Owen Publishers
In the months following his wife's death, Mr. Preemby, a retired laundryman becomes convinced that he is the incarnation of Sargon, the ancient king of Sumeria, returned to save a world upturned by the First World War. Trying to make sense of Mr Preemby is his stepdaughter, Christina Alberta. A masterclass in comic invention, Christina Alberta's Father depicts characters who long for something to believe in, just so long as it is not 'some horrible Utopia by Wells', but whose attempts to change the world are always doomed to disappointment. Whether taken as a social satire, a psychological study or a critique of Wells's own beliefs and relationships, Christina Alberta's Father makes for a fascinating and delightful read.