Uncover the mesmerizing world of Eileen Myles in her groundbreaking autobiographical novel, Chelsea Girls. This captivating narrative, masterfully published by Profile Books in 2016, spans 288 pages and presents a vivid portrayal of a young queer artist navigating the complexities of life. Through a tapestry of raw experiences involving love, laughter, and self-discovery, Myles skillfully details her volatile youth marked by an alcoholic father and a strict Catholic upbringing. The intricacies of her unapologetic lesbian identity unfold with humor and heart, showcasing her relentless pursuit of truth and creative freedom in the vibrant cultural landscape of 1970s and 80s New York. Chelsea Girls is more than just a book; it's an intimate journey through the trials of growing up and the art of survival, capturing the essence of raw humanity. Readers are invited to laugh, cry, and reflect as Myles’ singular voice and lyrical prose create a powerful connection. Perfect for fans of LGBTQ literature and anyone seeking an authentic personal narrative, Chelsea Girls is a must-read that transcends traditional memoirs, presenting life through an artist's unique lens. Enjoy the exploration of identity as you accompany Myles through her unforgettable experiences. Order your copy today and delve into this unique blend of art, life, and the relentless search for belonging. Delivery information: All orders are dispatched promptly with shipping options available for fast delivery.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781781257807
Year: 2016
Publisher: Profile Books
Pages: 288
In this breathtakingly inventive autobiographical novel, Eileen Myles transforms her life into a work of art. Suffused with alcohol, drugs, and sex; evocative in its depictions of the hardscrabble realities of a young queer artist's life; with raw, flickering stories of awkward love, laughter, and discovery, Chelsea Girls is a funny, cool, and intimate account of how one young female writer managed to shrug off the imposition of a rigid cultural identity.
Told in her audacious and singular voice made vivid and immediate in her lyrical language, Chelsea Girls weaves together memories of Myles's 1960s Catholic upbringing with an alcoholic father, her volatile adolescence, her unabashed lesbianity, and her riotous pursuit of survival as a poet in 1970s and 80s New York.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781781257807
Year: 2016
Publisher: Profile Books
Pages: 288
In this breathtakingly inventive autobiographical novel, Eileen Myles transforms her life into a work of art. Suffused with alcohol, drugs, and sex; evocative in its depictions of the hardscrabble realities of a young queer artist's life; with raw, flickering stories of awkward love, laughter, and discovery, Chelsea Girls is a funny, cool, and intimate account of how one young female writer managed to shrug off the imposition of a rigid cultural identity.
Told in her audacious and singular voice made vivid and immediate in her lyrical language, Chelsea Girls weaves together memories of Myles's 1960s Catholic upbringing with an alcoholic father, her volatile adolescence, her unabashed lesbianity, and her riotous pursuit of survival as a poet in 1970s and 80s New York.