Discover the enchanting world of 'Charlie Morphs Into a Mammoth', a captivating children's book that combines adventure, friendship, and the excitement of transformation. In this thrilling third installment of the Charlie series, young readers will follow Charlie McGuffin as he navigates the challenges of growing up and coping with his extraordinary ability to morph into animals whenever anxiety strikes. Packed with excitement, this imaginative tale highlights Charlie's struggle to control his unique power while dealing with everyday teenage dilemmas.
Will Charlie find a way to manage his transformation while addressing familial tensions, the mystery of the recent animal disappearances in town, and his quest to secure a date for the upcoming school dance? With humor and heart, Charlie's journey unfolds with the help of his close-knit friends: Flora, Mohsen, and Wogan. Each page invokes the joy and complexities of childhood, making 'Charlie Morphs Into a Mammoth' an essential addition to your child's bookshelf.
Perfect for kids who love fun adventures and animal stories, this tale is suitable for ages 8 and up. The book comes in a vibrant B-format paperback and contains 320 pages of enthralling storytelling from renowned publisher Penguin UK, released in 2020. Grab your copy today and embark on a delightful adventure with Charlie as he uncovers mysteries and learns about friendship and courage. Delivery is fast and reliable, ensuring your new favorite book arrives in perfect condition, ready for reading!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241346235
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 320
The third adventure for Charlie, the boy who changes into animals when he gets nervous.
Charlie McGuffin is closer than ever to being able to control his crazy ability to turn into animals, but there are some things he can't control, like the arguments his parents keep having (which are making him more worried than ever) or the spate of mysterious animal disappearances spreading through town (which seem somehow to be connected to Charlie himself) or the fact that he doesn't have a date for the school dance (which is coming up fast). With the support of best friends Flora, Mohsen and Wogan, can Charlie unravel the mystery of the pet-nappings in time to shake a tail-feather at the disco? Or will his hidden adversary reveal Charlie's biggest secret to the world...?
Will Charlie find a way to manage his transformation while addressing familial tensions, the mystery of the recent animal disappearances in town, and his quest to secure a date for the upcoming school dance? With humor and heart, Charlie's journey unfolds with the help of his close-knit friends: Flora, Mohsen, and Wogan. Each page invokes the joy and complexities of childhood, making 'Charlie Morphs Into a Mammoth' an essential addition to your child's bookshelf.
Perfect for kids who love fun adventures and animal stories, this tale is suitable for ages 8 and up. The book comes in a vibrant B-format paperback and contains 320 pages of enthralling storytelling from renowned publisher Penguin UK, released in 2020. Grab your copy today and embark on a delightful adventure with Charlie as he uncovers mysteries and learns about friendship and courage. Delivery is fast and reliable, ensuring your new favorite book arrives in perfect condition, ready for reading!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241346235
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 320
The third adventure for Charlie, the boy who changes into animals when he gets nervous.
Charlie McGuffin is closer than ever to being able to control his crazy ability to turn into animals, but there are some things he can't control, like the arguments his parents keep having (which are making him more worried than ever) or the spate of mysterious animal disappearances spreading through town (which seem somehow to be connected to Charlie himself) or the fact that he doesn't have a date for the school dance (which is coming up fast). With the support of best friends Flora, Mohsen and Wogan, can Charlie unravel the mystery of the pet-nappings in time to shake a tail-feather at the disco? Or will his hidden adversary reveal Charlie's biggest secret to the world...?