Discover the captivating world of 'Carpe Fin,' an enchanting prequel to the award-winning 'Red: A Haida Manga.' This beautifully illustrated volume combines the expressive style of Korean manhwa with classical Haida art, offering a unique storytelling experience that brings ancient legends to life. Written by acclaimed artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, 'Carpe Fin' invites readers into a near-future community where nature's delicate balance is threatened by environmental disasters. With stunning hand-painted illustrations and a narrative filled with adventure and introspection, this hardcover book is a must-have for fans of graphic novels and indigenous storytelling. Follow the journey of Carpe, a carpenter who builds a giant mechanical whale, and his harrowing experience after a treacherous storm leaves him stranded on a remote rock. As he confronts the powerful Lord of the Rock and grapples with themes of survival, accountability, and the blurred lines between human and animal, readers are immersed in a rich tapestry of Haida mythology and culture. Ideally suited for collectors and enthusiasts, 'Carpe Fin' is available as a brand new item with shipping that is free of charge. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Note that once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. ISBN: 9781771622240. Don't miss your chance to own this extraordinary book, published by D & M Publishers in 2019.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781771622240
Format: Cloth over boards
Year: 2019
Publisher: D & M Publishers
A prequel to the award-winning Red: A Haida Manga, combining the expressive style of Korean manhwa with classical Haida art and legend.
"The ragged edges of the temperate rainforest reach far out onto an island in the western seas. It is a place where one chooses to go ahead or turn back..." In a prequel to the award-winning Red: A Haida Manga, acclaimed artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas blends the Korean manhwa form with the Haida artistic and oral tradition in another stunning hand-painted volume. Carpe Fin recounts the story of Carpe, the carpenter who constructs a giant mechanical whale in Red, and explains how he came to be stranded on a rock in the middle of the ocean. In a small near-future community perched between the ocean and the northern temperate rainforest, a series of disasters is taking a heavy toll. It is early fall and a fuel spill has contaminated the marine foods the village was preparing to harvest. As food supplies dwindle, a small group decides to make a late season expedition to search for sea lions. Surprised by a ferocious storm, they abandon one man, Carpe, on an isolated rock at sea. After ten days they are finally able to return, but he has vanished. The story follows Carpe's encounters with the Lord of the Rock, who demands retribution for Carpe's role in the hunt, and Carpe's fate in the half-life between human and animal, life and death.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781771622240
Format: Cloth over boards
Year: 2019
Publisher: D & M Publishers
A prequel to the award-winning Red: A Haida Manga, combining the expressive style of Korean manhwa with classical Haida art and legend.
"The ragged edges of the temperate rainforest reach far out onto an island in the western seas. It is a place where one chooses to go ahead or turn back..." In a prequel to the award-winning Red: A Haida Manga, acclaimed artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas blends the Korean manhwa form with the Haida artistic and oral tradition in another stunning hand-painted volume. Carpe Fin recounts the story of Carpe, the carpenter who constructs a giant mechanical whale in Red, and explains how he came to be stranded on a rock in the middle of the ocean. In a small near-future community perched between the ocean and the northern temperate rainforest, a series of disasters is taking a heavy toll. It is early fall and a fuel spill has contaminated the marine foods the village was preparing to harvest. As food supplies dwindle, a small group decides to make a late season expedition to search for sea lions. Surprised by a ferocious storm, they abandon one man, Carpe, on an isolated rock at sea. After ten days they are finally able to return, but he has vanished. The story follows Carpe's encounters with the Lord of the Rock, who demands retribution for Carpe's role in the hunt, and Carpe's fate in the half-life between human and animal, life and death.