Dive into the captivating world of 'Campusland,' a thought-provoking novel that intricately unpacks the dynamics of campus life amidst shifting cultural tides. This superbly written book, published by St. Martins Press in 2019, features a compelling narrative centered around Eph Russell, an English professor navigating the treacherous terrain of tenure while contending with his own rural Southern roots. As privilege and merit clash, Eph's world collides with that of the ambitious Lulu Harris, a freshmen from Manhattan whose quest for social supremacy leads her down an unexpected path of militant feminism. The story explores themes of ambition, identity, and the complexities of social hierarchies within the walls of an elite institution. Join Eph, Lulu, and their equally intriguing peers, including the ever-controversial Red Wheeler, in this sharp-witted dissection of modern American campus culture. With a total of 336 pages of engaging narrative, 'Campusland' provides both entertainment and a critical lens on today's educational environment. This brand new copy is perfect for both lovers of contemporary fiction and those interested in the cultural commentary surrounding higher education. Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250222374
Year: 2019
Publisher: St Martins Press
Pages: 336
Eph Russell is an English professor up for tenure. He may look and sound privileged, but Eph is right out of gun-rack, Bible-thumping rural Alabama. His beloved Devon, though, has become a place of warring tribes, and there are landmines waiting for Eph that he is unequipped to see. The cultural rules are changing fast.
Lulu Harris is an entitled freshman – er, firstyear -from Manhattan. Her singular ambition is to be a prominent socialite – an "It Girl." While most would kill for a place at Devon, to her college is a dreary impediment. She is pleasantly surprised to find some people she can tolerate in the Fellingham Society, a group of self-professed campus monarchists. When things become socially difficult, Lulu is forced to re-channel her ambition in a most unexpected way – as a militant feminist. In the process, she and Eph will find their fates at odds.
Also in the mix is Red Wheeler, who is in his seventh year at Devon, and is carefully managing his credits to stay longer. As the alpha dog atop Devon’s progressive hierarchy, Red is the most "woke" guy on campus. But when his position is threatened, he must take measures.
All paths collide in a riotous climax. Campusland is a timely and gleeful skewering of the modern American campus and its tribal culture.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250222374
Year: 2019
Publisher: St Martins Press
Pages: 336
Eph Russell is an English professor up for tenure. He may look and sound privileged, but Eph is right out of gun-rack, Bible-thumping rural Alabama. His beloved Devon, though, has become a place of warring tribes, and there are landmines waiting for Eph that he is unequipped to see. The cultural rules are changing fast.
Lulu Harris is an entitled freshman – er, firstyear -from Manhattan. Her singular ambition is to be a prominent socialite – an "It Girl." While most would kill for a place at Devon, to her college is a dreary impediment. She is pleasantly surprised to find some people she can tolerate in the Fellingham Society, a group of self-professed campus monarchists. When things become socially difficult, Lulu is forced to re-channel her ambition in a most unexpected way – as a militant feminist. In the process, she and Eph will find their fates at odds.
Also in the mix is Red Wheeler, who is in his seventh year at Devon, and is carefully managing his credits to stay longer. As the alpha dog atop Devon’s progressive hierarchy, Red is the most "woke" guy on campus. But when his position is threatened, he must take measures.
All paths collide in a riotous climax. Campusland is a timely and gleeful skewering of the modern American campus and its tribal culture.