Discover the enthralling world of *Call Down The Hawk*, a gripping novel that blends fantasy and reality in a captivating tale of dreams and dangers. This book delves into the lives of dreamers like Ronan Lynch, who possesses the extraordinary ability to pull dreams into the waking world, transforming both curiosity and catastrophe into tangible experiences. As you navigate the pages, encounter Carmen Farooq-Lane, a determined hunter with a tragic past tied to dreamers. She understands all too well the lethal charm and perilous consequences of dreams gone awry.
Packed with twists and turns, *Call Down The Hawk* explores themes of power, identity, and the profound impact of dreams on our lives. The rich narrative invites readers to ponder what happens when the dream world collides with reality. With 480 pages of inventive storytelling, this novel is a must-read for fans of fantasy and young adult literature alike.
Published by Scholastic Inc., this brand new edition is perfect for anyone looking to add depth to their bookshelf. It’s a perfect gift for fantasy lovers and a splendid addition to any collection.
Your order of *Call Down The Hawk* will be delivered swiftly to your door, ensuring you don’t miss a moment in this riveting journey. Immerse yourself in this spellbinding tale today!
ISBN: 9781743837849
Number of Pages 480
The dreamers walk among us . . . and so do the dreamed. Those who dream cannot stop dreamingthey can only try to control it. Those who are dreamed cannot have their own livesthey will sleep forever if their dreamers die. Ronan Lynch is a dreamer. He can pull both curiosities and ...catastrophes out of his dreams and into his compromised reality. Carmen Farooq-Lane is a hunter. Her brother was a dreamer . . . and a killer. She has seen what dreaming can do to a person. And she has seen the damage that dreamers can do. But that is nothing compared to the destruction that is about to be unleashed. . . .Read less
Packed with twists and turns, *Call Down The Hawk* explores themes of power, identity, and the profound impact of dreams on our lives. The rich narrative invites readers to ponder what happens when the dream world collides with reality. With 480 pages of inventive storytelling, this novel is a must-read for fans of fantasy and young adult literature alike.
Published by Scholastic Inc., this brand new edition is perfect for anyone looking to add depth to their bookshelf. It’s a perfect gift for fantasy lovers and a splendid addition to any collection.
Your order of *Call Down The Hawk* will be delivered swiftly to your door, ensuring you don’t miss a moment in this riveting journey. Immerse yourself in this spellbinding tale today!
ISBN: 9781743837849
Number of Pages 480
The dreamers walk among us . . . and so do the dreamed. Those who dream cannot stop dreamingthey can only try to control it. Those who are dreamed cannot have their own livesthey will sleep forever if their dreamers die. Ronan Lynch is a dreamer. He can pull both curiosities and ...catastrophes out of his dreams and into his compromised reality. Carmen Farooq-Lane is a hunter. Her brother was a dreamer . . . and a killer. She has seen what dreaming can do to a person. And she has seen the damage that dreamers can do. But that is nothing compared to the destruction that is about to be unleashed. . . .Read less