Discover 'Bookshop Girl: Life's a Beach,' the delightful sequel in the hilarious teen series by Chloe Coles, perfect for young adult book lovers. Set against the backdrop of a vibrant literary festival in Skegton-On-Sea, Holly and Paige embark on an unforgettable adventure. With excitement in the air and a pop-up bookshop tent bustling with readers and Big Shot Writers, the girls are living their dream of working at a massive book event! They convinced their grumpy boss, Tony, to let them attend, turning their work trip into a well-deserved BFF holiday.
Amidst the fun, a diva author named Minnie, who insists on fresh flowers despite the rain, adds a twist to their experience. Through the chaos, Paige learns valuable lessons about perseverance and self-discovery, including how to chase after her dreams and the boy she has a crush on. This light-hearted story weaves together friendship, ambition, and a love for books that will resonate with fans of Holly Bourne and Louise Rennison.
With 224 pages of engaging storytelling, 'Bookshop Girl: Life's a Beach' is an essential read for those searching for contemporary young adult fiction. Enjoy a captivating narrative that combines humor with important life lessons.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781471407338
Year: 2018
Publisher: Bonnier
Pages: 224
Fast shipping available, making it even easier to dive into this enchanting tale. Order your copy today and get ready for a laugh-out-loud reading experience!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781471407338
Year: 2018
Publisher: Bonnier
Pages: 224
The second in a new laugh-out-loud and sparky teen series, perfect for fans of Holly Bourne and Louise Rennison.
Holly and Paige are at a literary festival in Skegton-On-Sea. They've been looking forward to it for ages. It's one of the biggest book festivals around - and there's a pop up bookshop tent and a lot of Big Shot Writers. It's basically like they're being PAID to go on a BFF HOLIDAY and SELL A FEW BOOKS! They had to beg their grumpy boss Tony to put their names forward. He ummed and ahhed and said he wasn't sure it was a good idea. But they're here at last and it's brilliant.
Well, kind of. It's true that there's a diva of an author called Minnie, who dresses head to toe in pink, and insists that Paige picks fresh flowers for her signing table every day, even though it's raining. But along the way, Paige begins to find that there's quite a lot to learn from Minnie - not least, how to reach out for the things she wants . . . and the boy she likes.
Written by debut author and bookseller Chloe Coles, this is the second in a new teen series that will make you want to rush out and take shelter in your nearest bookshop!
Amidst the fun, a diva author named Minnie, who insists on fresh flowers despite the rain, adds a twist to their experience. Through the chaos, Paige learns valuable lessons about perseverance and self-discovery, including how to chase after her dreams and the boy she has a crush on. This light-hearted story weaves together friendship, ambition, and a love for books that will resonate with fans of Holly Bourne and Louise Rennison.
With 224 pages of engaging storytelling, 'Bookshop Girl: Life's a Beach' is an essential read for those searching for contemporary young adult fiction. Enjoy a captivating narrative that combines humor with important life lessons.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781471407338
Year: 2018
Publisher: Bonnier
Pages: 224
Fast shipping available, making it even easier to dive into this enchanting tale. Order your copy today and get ready for a laugh-out-loud reading experience!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781471407338
Year: 2018
Publisher: Bonnier
Pages: 224
The second in a new laugh-out-loud and sparky teen series, perfect for fans of Holly Bourne and Louise Rennison.
Holly and Paige are at a literary festival in Skegton-On-Sea. They've been looking forward to it for ages. It's one of the biggest book festivals around - and there's a pop up bookshop tent and a lot of Big Shot Writers. It's basically like they're being PAID to go on a BFF HOLIDAY and SELL A FEW BOOKS! They had to beg their grumpy boss Tony to put their names forward. He ummed and ahhed and said he wasn't sure it was a good idea. But they're here at last and it's brilliant.
Well, kind of. It's true that there's a diva of an author called Minnie, who dresses head to toe in pink, and insists that Paige picks fresh flowers for her signing table every day, even though it's raining. But along the way, Paige begins to find that there's quite a lot to learn from Minnie - not least, how to reach out for the things she wants . . . and the boy she likes.
Written by debut author and bookseller Chloe Coles, this is the second in a new teen series that will make you want to rush out and take shelter in your nearest bookshop!