Discover the thrilling graphic novel, Black Star, a riveting tale that explores the depths of human resilience and the challenges of survival in a hostile alien world. Written by Eric Anthony Glover and illustrated by Arielle Jovellanos, this captivating debut graphic novel, published in 2021 by ABRAMS, offers a unique blend of science fiction and adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With its engaging storyline, Black Star follows Harper North, a determined astronaut, who must navigate the treacherous landscapes of an alien planet, Eleos, after her mission goes awry. Facing deadly environmental challenges and a relentless former crew member, she races against time to reach a reserve shuttle designed for one. Experience the intense struggle for survival as North battles both the planet's perils and the darker instincts of humanity. At 176 pages, this beautifully illustrated graphic novel is a must-read for fans of sci-fi, adventure, and graphic literature. Get ready to immerse yourself in a powerful narrative that asks the question: what lengths will one go to in order to survive? Order your copy today and embark on this extraordinary journey! Free shipping is included for this item, and delivery may take up to 6 weeks. Please note, once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Condition: BRAND NEW. ISBN: 9781419742286.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781419742286
Year: 2021
Publisher: ABRAMS
Pages: 176
Stranded on an alien planet, two astronauts must battle deadly elements and each other to recover a reserve shuttle built for one
Black Star is a debut graphic novel by Eric Anthony Glover, based on his original unproduced screenplay, and illustrated by Arielle Jovellanos. In the future, interstellar travel is past its prime and sending shuttles beyond our solar system-even for vital scientific research-is a life-threatening gamble. However, in order to retrieve samples of an alien flower that may hold the key to saving countless lives, Harper North and her crew of scientists must journey to Eleos, a dangerous planet in deep space.
But as they approach Eleos, their ship is caught in an asteroid storm and as it hurtles towards the surface, its reserve shuttle detaches, landing over 100 kilometers away. When the rest of the crew perishes in the burning wreckage of the ship, North races towards the rescue shuttle built for one, hoping to fulfill their mission and survive.
But North isn't alone: The team's wilderness expert is still alive and hell-bent on hunting North down and claiming the shuttle for herself.
Now, North has no choice but to reach the shuttle first-and fast. The fuel is leaking. Her GPS battery is dying. And the planet's deadly seasonal change is coming. As she battles the flora and fauna and tries to elude her ruthless former crew mate, North will find the cost of survival is dear . . . Will she be willing to pay that price?
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781419742286
Year: 2021
Publisher: ABRAMS
Pages: 176
Stranded on an alien planet, two astronauts must battle deadly elements and each other to recover a reserve shuttle built for one
Black Star is a debut graphic novel by Eric Anthony Glover, based on his original unproduced screenplay, and illustrated by Arielle Jovellanos. In the future, interstellar travel is past its prime and sending shuttles beyond our solar system-even for vital scientific research-is a life-threatening gamble. However, in order to retrieve samples of an alien flower that may hold the key to saving countless lives, Harper North and her crew of scientists must journey to Eleos, a dangerous planet in deep space.
But as they approach Eleos, their ship is caught in an asteroid storm and as it hurtles towards the surface, its reserve shuttle detaches, landing over 100 kilometers away. When the rest of the crew perishes in the burning wreckage of the ship, North races towards the rescue shuttle built for one, hoping to fulfill their mission and survive.
But North isn't alone: The team's wilderness expert is still alive and hell-bent on hunting North down and claiming the shuttle for herself.
Now, North has no choice but to reach the shuttle first-and fast. The fuel is leaking. Her GPS battery is dying. And the planet's deadly seasonal change is coming. As she battles the flora and fauna and tries to elude her ruthless former crew mate, North will find the cost of survival is dear . . . Will she be willing to pay that price?