Discover the enchanting world of Jack Kerouac's second novel, Big Sur, now available as a brand new B-format paperback. Released in 2012 by Penguin UK, this essential piece of literature spans 192 pages, immersing readers in Kerouac's vivid and gritty narrative. Set in 1960 during a tumultuous period of his life, the story follows Jack Duluoz—Kerouac's autobiographical alter ego—who grapples with the shadows of fame, personal demons, and his battle against alcohol dependency. Nestled away in a serene cabin on the Californian coast, Duluoz’s journey is both a retreat into solitude and a confrontation with self-destruction. Big Sur is a masterful exploration of identity, showcasing Kerouac’s deeply personal reflections. Ending with the poignant poem 'Sea-Sounds of the Pacific Ocean at Big Sur', this novel captures the essence of a man striving to reconcile his hedonistic youth with the complexities of adulthood. Ideal for fans of modern classics and those seeking profound literary experiences, Big Sur stands as a testament to the power of introspection and the quest for peace amid chaos. This novel is not just a book; it’s a journey into the heart of the human experience. Secure your copy today and delve into the profound layers of Jack Kerouac's unique voice. Fast shipping ensures you receive your order promptly, delivering the experience of Big Sur right to your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141198255
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 192
Kerouac's stunningly vivid and gritty second novel, new to Penguin Modern Classics
In 1960 Jack Kerouac was near breaking point. Driven mad by constant press attention in the wake of the publication of On the Road, he needed to 'get away to solitude again or die', so he withdrew to a cabin in Big Sur on the Californian coast. The resulting novel, in which his autobiographical hero Jack Duluoz wrestles with doubt, alcohol dependency and his urge towards self-destruction, is one of Kerouac's most personal and searingly honest works. Ending with the poem 'Sea- Sounds of the Pacific Ocean at Big Sur', it shows a man coming down from his hedonistic youth and trying to come to terms with fame, the world and himself.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141198255
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 192
Kerouac's stunningly vivid and gritty second novel, new to Penguin Modern Classics
In 1960 Jack Kerouac was near breaking point. Driven mad by constant press attention in the wake of the publication of On the Road, he needed to 'get away to solitude again or die', so he withdrew to a cabin in Big Sur on the Californian coast. The resulting novel, in which his autobiographical hero Jack Duluoz wrestles with doubt, alcohol dependency and his urge towards self-destruction, is one of Kerouac's most personal and searingly honest works. Ending with the poem 'Sea- Sounds of the Pacific Ocean at Big Sur', it shows a man coming down from his hedonistic youth and trying to come to terms with fame, the world and himself.