Dive into the enchanting world of 'Ghosted' by bestselling author James Patterson—a thrilling middle-grade adventure perfect for young readers. This captivating ghost story follows Finn McAllister, an everyday middle schooler whose life takes an unexpected turn when he finds himself becoming a ghost. Designed as an engaging trade paperback edition, published in 2021 by Random House UK, 'Ghosted' comprises 256 pages filled with humor, connection, and supernatural escapades. Join Finn as he navigates his new ghostly existence without school, indulging in endless video games and sampling every flavor of ice cream! Along the way, he befriends another ghost, embarking on a journey of friendship and fun. But Finn soon discovers that he has unfinished business keeping him tethered to the living world. Will he be able to resolve his past and find peace? Perfect for readers looking for ghost stories about friendships and adventures, this book is bound to delight and entertain. Get your copy today to uncover the delightful twists in Finn's afterlife! Fast delivery options available!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529120066
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Pages: 256
From bestselling author James Patterson comes the next middle grade hit with this ghostly adventure story.
I'm Finn McAllister, I'm a normal middle schooler, and on June sixth I died.
I know, I know - you weren't expecting me to die so soon. Me neither. But dying is just the beginning of my story. You see, now I'm a ghost!
I don't have to go to school. I can play as many video games as I want. And I can try every ice cream flavor in the store.
I've made a new friend, too. She's also a ghost. It's pretty neat, huh?
Only thing is, I have some unfinished business. And until I, well, finish it, I can't really move on...
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781529120066
Format: Trade paperback (UK)
Year: 2021
Pages: 256
From bestselling author James Patterson comes the next middle grade hit with this ghostly adventure story.
I'm Finn McAllister, I'm a normal middle schooler, and on June sixth I died.
I know, I know - you weren't expecting me to die so soon. Me neither. But dying is just the beginning of my story. You see, now I'm a ghost!
I don't have to go to school. I can play as many video games as I want. And I can try every ice cream flavor in the store.
I've made a new friend, too. She's also a ghost. It's pretty neat, huh?
Only thing is, I have some unfinished business. And until I, well, finish it, I can't really move on...