Discover the captivating tale of 'Bess The Brave War Horse,' a beautifully illustrated children's book that brings history to life. This poignant story is based on the true experiences of Bess, a courageous horse who was one of the 10,000 New Zealand horses sent to fight in World War One. Perfect for young readers, this enchanting book not only entertains but also educates about the sacrifices made by animals during wartime. With gripping narratives and stunning illustrations, 'Bess The Brave War Horse' captures the resilience and loyalty of this remarkable horse and her master. The book highlights the emotional journey of Bess as she faces the challenges of war and quarantine, providing kids with valuable lessons about bravery, friendship, and the importance of home. Ideal for parents looking to introduce their children to historical events in an engaging format, 'Bess The Brave War Horse' is a must-have addition to any child's bookshelf. A perfect resource for teachers and storytime, it encourages discussions about history, empathy, and the roles animals play in our lives. Get your copy now and embark on an unforgettable journey with Bess! Delivery is quick and reliable, ensuring your child's new favorite story arrives safely at your doorstep. Add this treasure to your collection today!
ISBN: 9781775435563
Number of Pages 40
This story is based on the true experiences of a remarkable horse called Bess, one of 10,000 NZ horses sent overseas to battle in World War One. Tragically, at the end of the war the horses could not return to New Zealand due to quarantine laws and a shortage of ships. Luckily fo...r Bess, her master battled to have her returned home. She was quarantined with three other horses in England before being shipped back to New Zealand where she continued a pleasant pastoral life after her confronting wartime experiences.Read less
ISBN: 9781775435563
Number of Pages 40
This story is based on the true experiences of a remarkable horse called Bess, one of 10,000 NZ horses sent overseas to battle in World War One. Tragically, at the end of the war the horses could not return to New Zealand due to quarantine laws and a shortage of ships. Luckily fo...r Bess, her master battled to have her returned home. She was quarantined with three other horses in England before being shipped back to New Zealand where she continued a pleasant pastoral life after her confronting wartime experiences.Read less