Discover the origin story of Batman in 'Batman: The Knight Vol. 1', a gripping graphic novel that explores how an angry, damaged young man transforms into the most accomplished detective and crime-fighter in the world. Experience Bruce Wayne's thrilling journey as he embarks on intense training sessions in the stunning City of Lights, Paris. In this compelling narrative, Batman's story unfolds through the stunning artwork of acclaimed artist Carmine Di Giandomenico and the masterful storytelling of superstar writer Chip Zdarsky. Follow Bruce as he encounters a world-renowned cat burglar and faces a chilling serial killer who preys on the elite of society. These hard lessons are crucial for his evolution into the Dark Knight you've come to know and love. 'Batman: The Knight Vol. 1' collects issues #1-10, providing an immersive dive into the character's development and the foundations of his fight against crime in Gotham City. With each turn of the page, you'll witness the growth of this iconic hero amidst thrilling action and deep psychological insights. Perfect for comic book enthusiasts and newcomers alike, this beautifully crafted paperback edition is a must-have for any collection. Don’t miss the chance to own this modern mythology that redefines the journey of Batman. Grab your copy today and uncover the elaborate backstory that leads to the epic saga of Batman!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779518507
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2023
ow did an angry, damaged young man grow into the most accomplished detective and crime-fighter the world has ever known? How did the Dark Knight...begin?
Bruce Wayne's journey toward becoming the Dark Knight has begun, and he has many hard lessons to learn before his education is complete. His adventure begins in the City of Lights, Paris, where he'll train with a world-renowned cat burglar and come into contact with a horrifying serial killer stalking the city's wealthy elite...will this "first test" for the young Batman prove deadly?
Batman- The Knight Vol. 1 collects Batman- The Knight #1-10!
The origin of Batman and his never-ending fight against crime in Gotham City is modern mythology, but what of the story in between? Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky (Daredevil) and acclaimed artist Carmine Di Giandomenico (The Flash) will take Bruce Wayne on a fraught journey, making allies and enemies, on his training to become Batman in Batman- The Knight Vol. 1!
ow did an angry, damaged young man grow into the most accomplished detective and crime-fighter the world has ever known? How did the Dark Knight...begin?
Bruce Wayne's journey toward becoming the Dark Knight has begun, and he has many hard lessons to learn before his education is complete. His adventure begins in the City of Lights, Paris, where he'll train with a world-renowned cat burglar and come into contact with a horrifying serial killer stalking the city's wealthy elite...will this "first test" for the young Batman prove deadly?
Batman- The Knight Vol. 1 collects Batman- The
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781779518507
Format: Paper over boards
Year: 2023
ow did an angry, damaged young man grow into the most accomplished detective and crime-fighter the world has ever known? How did the Dark Knight...begin?
Bruce Wayne's journey toward becoming the Dark Knight has begun, and he has many hard lessons to learn before his education is complete. His adventure begins in the City of Lights, Paris, where he'll train with a world-renowned cat burglar and come into contact with a horrifying serial killer stalking the city's wealthy elite...will this "first test" for the young Batman prove deadly?
Batman- The Knight Vol. 1 collects Batman- The Knight #1-10!
The origin of Batman and his never-ending fight against crime in Gotham City is modern mythology, but what of the story in between? Superstar writer Chip Zdarsky (Daredevil) and acclaimed artist Carmine Di Giandomenico (The Flash) will take Bruce Wayne on a fraught journey, making allies and enemies, on his training to become Batman in Batman- The Knight Vol. 1!
ow did an angry, damaged young man grow into the most accomplished detective and crime-fighter the world has ever known? How did the Dark Knight...begin?
Bruce Wayne's journey toward becoming the Dark Knight has begun, and he has many hard lessons to learn before his education is complete. His adventure begins in the City of Lights, Paris, where he'll train with a world-renowned cat burglar and come into contact with a horrifying serial killer stalking the city's wealthy elite...will this "first test" for the young Batman prove deadly?
Batman- The Knight Vol. 1 collects Batman- The