Discover the powerful narrative of 'Bastard Out of Carolina,' a critically acclaimed novel that explores themes of abuse, betrayal, and resilience in the Deep South. Written by Dorothy Allison, this compelling tale set in the 1950s Carolina follows Ruth Anna 'Bone' Boatwright, whose idyllic childhood shatters when her mother falls under the influence of a sinister figure, Glen Waddell. As Bone is plunged into a horrifying environment filled with fear and tension, the story unfolds with raw emotion and brutal honesty. This gripping coming-of-age story not only captures the essence of Bone's innocence but also delves deep into the complexities of family dynamics and the quest for love and acceptance in a world rife with dysfunction. Ideal for those looking to explore Southern literature and women's fiction, 'Bastard Out of Carolina' resonates with anyone who has faced challenging familial relationships. Available as a brand new B-format paperback, this edition published by Penguin UK spans 336 pages of unforgettable storytelling. Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in this poignant tale that combines fierce love with grim reality. Order your copy now and delve into an unforgettable literary experience that remains relevant today. Fast and reliable delivery options available, ensuring that your new favorite book arrives promptly at your doorstep.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141391540
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 336
A critically acclaimed tale of abuse and betrayal in America's deep South
Carolina in the 1950s, and Bone - christened Ruth Anna Boatwright - lives a happy life, in and out of her aunt's houses, playing with her cousins on the porch, sipping ice tea, loving her little sister Reece and her beautiful young mother. But Glen Waddell has been watching them all, wanting her mother too, and when he promises a new life for the family, her mother gratefully accepts. Soon Bone finds herself in a different, terrible world, living in fear, and an exile from everything she knows.
Bastard out of Carolina is a raw, poignant tale of fury, power, love and family.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141391540
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2012
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 336
A critically acclaimed tale of abuse and betrayal in America's deep South
Carolina in the 1950s, and Bone - christened Ruth Anna Boatwright - lives a happy life, in and out of her aunt's houses, playing with her cousins on the porch, sipping ice tea, loving her little sister Reece and her beautiful young mother. But Glen Waddell has been watching them all, wanting her mother too, and when he promises a new life for the family, her mother gratefully accepts. Soon Bone finds herself in a different, terrible world, living in fear, and an exile from everything she knows.
Bastard out of Carolina is a raw, poignant tale of fury, power, love and family.