Dive into the enchanting world of 'Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter,' a captivating novel set in 1950s Peru that explores love, ambition, and the vibrant backdrop of Latin American culture. This compelling story follows 18-year-old Mario, an aspiring writer, who becomes infatuated with his charismatic 32-year-old divorcee, Aunt Julia. The narrative brilliantly intertwines the youthful passion of Mario with the intriguing life of Pedro Camacho, a Bolivian scriptwriter hired by a local radio station to craft soap operas that mesmerize audiences daily. Experience the thrill of the Peruvian radio scene as it pulsates with creativity and drama, alongside the rise and eventual fall of Camacho's influence on the airwaves. Ideal for fans of literary fiction and those who appreciate tales about unorthodox romances and the trials of artistic ambition, this novel offers a unique perspective on the intricacies of love and the complexities of the human spirit. Perfect for readers seeking a rich narrative that reflects the cultural landscape of the era, 'Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter' is a timeless classic that remains relevant today. Explore themes of passion, betrayal, and the impact of art in everyday life within the vivid setting of mid-century Peru. With its compelling characters and engaging plot, this book is a must-have for any literature enthusiast. Don't miss out on this brand-new edition published by Faber in 2012, sporting 416 pages filled with unforgettable storytelling.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571288601
Year: 2012
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 416
Set in Peru during the 1950s, Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter is the story of an 18 year old student who falls for a 32 year old divorcee. Mario, an aspiring writer, works at a radio station that broadcasts, live each day, up to a half-dozen short-run soap operas.
At the same time that the author meets his Aunt Julia, the radio station, which had been buying scripts by weight from Cuba, hires a Bolivian scriptwriter named Pedro Camacho to write the serials. The novel chronicles the scriptwriter's rise and fall in tandem with the protagonist's affair.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571288601
Year: 2012
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 416
Set in Peru during the 1950s, Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter is the story of an 18 year old student who falls for a 32 year old divorcee. Mario, an aspiring writer, works at a radio station that broadcasts, live each day, up to a half-dozen short-run soap operas.
At the same time that the author meets his Aunt Julia, the radio station, which had been buying scripts by weight from Cuba, hires a Bolivian scriptwriter named Pedro Camacho to write the serials. The novel chronicles the scriptwriter's rise and fall in tandem with the protagonist's affair.