Discover the thrilling adventure of Attack on Titan No Regrets 2, a must-have addition for fans of the iconic series. This brand new graphic novel, published by Random House in 2014, continues the captivating journey of Levi and Erwin, delving deeper into their intriguing backstories. In this highly sought-after prequel, readers will uncover the complexities of Levi's past and the challenges he faces against political adversaries. With 192 pages of breathtaking art and gripping storytelling, this volume explores themes of loyalty, regret, and the fierce struggles against Titan threats. Levi and his crew are tasked with recovering incriminating documents tied to Erwin’s political enemies, promising them a chance to live without oppression in the royal capital. Yet, amidst the Titan-infested territory, capturing their target won’t be easy. Levi's thirst for revenge against those who humiliate him intertwines with the urgency of the mission, as this final volume uproots his fate in unforeseen ways. Secure your copy today and relive the heart-pounding action of Attack on Titan while getting an exclusive insight into the two beloved characters’ pasts. Whether you're a long-time collector or new to the series, Attack on Titan No Regrets 2 is a treasure for everyone. Get ready to confront your true enemy, and immerse yourself in the world of Titans! Fast shipping available.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781612629438
Year: 2014
Pages: 192
A highly anticipated prequel series to the popular Atack on Titan that delves into the past of Levi and Erwin, female fans' two favorite characters!
Erwin's political enemies have hired Levi and his crew to take back someincriminating documents. Their reward- the right to live a proud lifeabove ground, in the royal capital. But deep in Titan territory, it's goingto be tough to break formation and steal from a squad leader, and Levistill insists on killing the man who humiliated him after the mission iscomplete. Of course, beyond the walls anything can happen, and asudden change in Levi's fortunes will force him to face the greatestregret in his life...
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781612629438
Year: 2014
Pages: 192
A highly anticipated prequel series to the popular Atack on Titan that delves into the past of Levi and Erwin, female fans' two favorite characters!
Erwin's political enemies have hired Levi and his crew to take back someincriminating documents. Their reward- the right to live a proud lifeabove ground, in the royal capital. But deep in Titan territory, it's goingto be tough to break formation and steal from a squad leader, and Levistill insists on killing the man who humiliated him after the mission iscomplete. Of course, beyond the walls anything can happen, and asudden change in Levi's fortunes will force him to face the greatestregret in his life...