Discover the captivating world of suburban life with 'Arlington Park', a remarkable novel published by Faber in 2019. This compelling narrative unfolds over the course of a single day, delving deeply into the lives of five distinct characters in an ordinary English suburb. Each character embodies unique struggles and triumphs, offering readers a rich tapestry of emotions and experiences. Juliet grapples with her disillusionment over gender roles in family life, while Amanda distracts herself from the inevitabilities of death through meticulous housework. Solly prepares for the birth of her fourth child, and Maisie finds herself yearning for more than the provincial life she leads. Meanwhile, Christine, the ever-optimistic hostess of a dinner party, brings the neighbors together, showcasing the dynamics of community and connection. With 256 pages of insightful prose, 'Arlington Park' explores themes of motherhood, identity, and existential reflection, making it a must-read for anyone interested in contemporary literature and the intricate dance of suburban existence. This brand-new book, with ISBN 9780571350926, is an essential addition to your collection of thought-provoking novels that illuminate the complexities of domestic life. Perfect for book clubs and literary enthusiasts alike, 'Arlington Park' is now available for fast delivery right to your door, ensuring you can dive into this enthralling story without delay.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571350926
Year: 2019
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 256
Arlington Park is an ordinary English suburb. Over the course of a single day, the novel moves from one household to another, revealing its characters: Juliet, enraged at the victory of men over women in family life; Amanda, warding off thoughts of death with obsessive housework; Solly, about to give birth to her fourth child; Maisie, struggling to accept provincial life; and Christine, the optimist and host of a dinner part where the neighbours come together.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571350926
Year: 2019
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 256
Arlington Park is an ordinary English suburb. Over the course of a single day, the novel moves from one household to another, revealing its characters: Juliet, enraged at the victory of men over women in family life; Amanda, warding off thoughts of death with obsessive housework; Solly, about to give birth to her fourth child; Maisie, struggling to accept provincial life; and Christine, the optimist and host of a dinner part where the neighbours come together.