Discover the captivating tale of resilience and ambition in this spell-binding, multi-generational novel set against the ruthless backdrop of the film industry. Following George and Richard Ross, we journey from their arrival in Australia in 1850 to their establishment of the prosperous vineyard, Araluen, nestled in a breathtaking green valley near Adelaide. This gripping narrative traces their transformation from exiled sons to powerful figures in the world of business and film. As George builds his family empire, the saga unfolds to reveal the complexities of legacy, ambition, and the pursuit of success. The story intricately weaves through the vibrant South Australian vineyards, the glamour of Hollywood’s golden age, and the stark loneliness of the outback, leading to the mega-budget movie-making scene in modern-day New York. Experience the echoes of time as Judy Nunn explores how greed and power shape the destinies of the Ross family across generations. This 656-page B-format paperback, published by Penguin Australia in 2020, is a must-read for lovers of historical fiction and family sagas alike. With each page, lose yourself in the rich tapestry of life that challenges and celebrates the human spirit.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781761041228
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 656
A spell-binding, multi-generational novel, set in the ruthless world of movie-making.
A spell-binding, multi-generational novel, set in the ruthless world of movie-making.
On a blistering hot day in 1850, George and Richard Ross take their first steps on Australian soil after three long months at sea. All they have is each other, and a quarterly remittance from their irate father who has banished them to the Colonies.
A decade on, and the brothers are the owners of successful vineyard, Araluen, nestled in a beautiful green valley not far from Adelaide. Now a successful businessman, George has laid down the roots of his own Ross dynasty, born of the New World. But building a family empire - at any cost - can have a shattering effect on the generations to come ...
From the South Australian vineyards of the 1850s to the opulence and corruption of Hollywood's golden age... From the relentless loneliness of the outback to mega-budget movie-making in modern-day New York... Judy Nunn weaves an intricate web of characters and locations in this spellbinding saga of the Ross family and its inescapable legacy of greed and power.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781761041228
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin Australia Pty Ltd
Pages: 656
A spell-binding, multi-generational novel, set in the ruthless world of movie-making.
A spell-binding, multi-generational novel, set in the ruthless world of movie-making.
On a blistering hot day in 1850, George and Richard Ross take their first steps on Australian soil after three long months at sea. All they have is each other, and a quarterly remittance from their irate father who has banished them to the Colonies.
A decade on, and the brothers are the owners of successful vineyard, Araluen, nestled in a beautiful green valley not far from Adelaide. Now a successful businessman, George has laid down the roots of his own Ross dynasty, born of the New World. But building a family empire - at any cost - can have a shattering effect on the generations to come ...
From the South Australian vineyards of the 1850s to the opulence and corruption of Hollywood's golden age... From the relentless loneliness of the outback to mega-budget movie-making in modern-day New York... Judy Nunn weaves an intricate web of characters and locations in this spellbinding saga of the Ross family and its inescapable legacy of greed and power.