Dive into the gripping narrative of 'Another Country,' a masterful novel published in 1962 by renowned publisher Penguin UK. This emotionally intense story intricately weaves themes of love, hatred, race, and the societal dynamics of liberal America in the 1960s. Set against the vibrant backdrops of Greenwich Village, Harlem, and France, the novel follows the profound journey of friends grappling with the tragic suicide of jazz musician Rufus Scott. As they seek to unravel the mysteries surrounding his life and untimely death, they confront uncomfortable truths about their own identities and relationships.
This B-format paperback version, published in 2001, spans 448 pages, making it a substantial read for literature lovers seeking depth and reflection. Perfect for readers interested in classic American literature, cultural history, or those who appreciate complex character development and poignant storytelling. Experience the power of words as you immerse yourself in a world that captures the turbulence of the human spirit in a pivotal era of American history.
Delivery information: Enjoy fast shipping options to ensure you receive your copy of 'Another Country' promptly. Products are carefully packaged for your convenience, and our customer service team is here to assist you with any inquiries regarding your order. Join countless readers who have been moved by this incredible tale.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141186375
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2001
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 448
Published in 1962, this is an emotionally intense novel of love, hatred, race and liberal America in the 1960s. Set in Greenwhich Village, Harlem and France, ANOTHER COUNTRY tells the story of the suicide of jazz-musician Rufus Scott and the friends who search for an understanding of his life and death, discovering uncomfortable truths about themselves along the way.
This B-format paperback version, published in 2001, spans 448 pages, making it a substantial read for literature lovers seeking depth and reflection. Perfect for readers interested in classic American literature, cultural history, or those who appreciate complex character development and poignant storytelling. Experience the power of words as you immerse yourself in a world that captures the turbulence of the human spirit in a pivotal era of American history.
Delivery information: Enjoy fast shipping options to ensure you receive your copy of 'Another Country' promptly. Products are carefully packaged for your convenience, and our customer service team is here to assist you with any inquiries regarding your order. Join countless readers who have been moved by this incredible tale.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780141186375
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2001
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 448
Published in 1962, this is an emotionally intense novel of love, hatred, race and liberal America in the 1960s. Set in Greenwhich Village, Harlem and France, ANOTHER COUNTRY tells the story of the suicide of jazz-musician Rufus Scott and the friends who search for an understanding of his life and death, discovering uncomfortable truths about themselves along the way.