Discover a captivating narrative with 'All the Colours of the Town', a thrilling novel that weaves a complex tale of uncovering hidden truths. Set against the backdrop of Scotland, this gripping story follows journalist Gerry Conway as he uncovers unsettling secrets about Scottish Justice Minister Peter Lyons. As his investigation leads him from Glasgow to Belfast, readers are taken on a journey filled with intrigue, prejudice, and the scars of sectarian violence. This beautifully written book delves deep into themes of loyalty, betrayal, and personal duty, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the intricacies of human relationships and societal challenges. With 336 pages of compelling content, 'All the Colours of the Town' not only offers a riveting plot but also sheds light on the larger political and social issues at play. Published by Faber in 2010, this brand new copy is perfect for avid readers and collectors alike. Don’t miss your chance to explore the vibrant and often dark colors of this compelling town's story. Order now and enjoy fast delivery to your doorstep, ensuring that you're just moments away from diving into this unforgettable read.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571239849
Year: 2010
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 336
When Glasgow journalist Gerry Conway receives a phone call promising unsavoury information about Scottish Justice Minister Peter Lyons, his instinct is that this apparent scoop won't warrant space in The Tribune. But as Conway's curiosity grows and his leads proliferate, his investigation takes him from Scotland to Belfast. Shocked by the sectarian violence of the past, and by the prejudice and hatred he encounters even now, Conway soon grows obsessed with the story of Lyons and all he represents.
And as he digs deeper, he comes to understand that there is indeed a story to be uncovered; and that there are people who will go to great lengths to ensure that it remains hidden.
Compelling, vividly written and shocking, All the Colours of the Town is not only the story of an individual and his community - it is also a complex and thrilling inquiry into loyalty, betrayal and duty.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780571239849
Year: 2010
Publisher: Faber
Pages: 336
When Glasgow journalist Gerry Conway receives a phone call promising unsavoury information about Scottish Justice Minister Peter Lyons, his instinct is that this apparent scoop won't warrant space in The Tribune. But as Conway's curiosity grows and his leads proliferate, his investigation takes him from Scotland to Belfast. Shocked by the sectarian violence of the past, and by the prejudice and hatred he encounters even now, Conway soon grows obsessed with the story of Lyons and all he represents.
And as he digs deeper, he comes to understand that there is indeed a story to be uncovered; and that there are people who will go to great lengths to ensure that it remains hidden.
Compelling, vividly written and shocking, All the Colours of the Town is not only the story of an individual and his community - it is also a complex and thrilling inquiry into loyalty, betrayal and duty.