Discover 'Aliens & Anorexia,' a groundbreaking exploration of emotional chance and radical philosophy first published in 2000. This captivating novel intricately weaves together tales of bold visionaries and troubled artists, painting a vivid tableau of the human experience. Renowned for its rich character development, the story includes historical figures such as the profound philosopher Simone Weil and the avant-garde artist Paul Thek. Authored by the insightful Catherine Kraus, this work challenges conventional perceptions of anorexia, presenting it as more than just a struggle with self-image but rather an exploration of body, identity, and culture. Kraus argues for empathy as the key to understanding ourselves and those around us, inviting readers into a narrative that reclaims anorexia from societal stigma. With 272 pages of thought-provoking prose, 'Aliens & Anorexia' is a must-read for anyone interested in philosophy, mental health, and the complexities of human emotion. Perfect for fans of literary fiction that addresses serious themes, this book will leave you questioning the status quo and seeking deeper truths in life. Order today and delve into a world where art and philosophy collide, fueling a transformation in how we view ourselves and our struggles.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781788160070
Year: 2018
Publisher: Profile Books
Pages: 272
First published in 2000, Aliens & Anorexia defined a female form of chance that is both emotional and radical. Unfolding like a set of Chinese boxes, with storytelling and philosophy informing each other, the novel weaves together the lives of earnest visionaries and failed artists. Its characters include Simone Weil, the first radical philosopher of sadness; the artist Paul Thek; Kraus herself; and 'Africa,' Kraus's virtual S&M partner, who is shooting a big-budget Hollywood film in Namibia while Kraus holes up in the Northwest woods to chronicle the failure of Gravity & Grace, her own low-budget independent film.
In Aliens & Anorexia, Kraus makes a case for empathy as the ultimate perceptive tool, and reclaims anorexia from the psychoanalytic girl-ghetto of poor 'self-esteem.' Anorexia, Kraus writes, could be an attempt to leave the body altogether: a rejection of the cynicism that this culture hands us through its food. As Palle Yourgrau writes in the book's new foreword, 'Kraus's rescue operation for aliens like Weil from behind enemy lines on planet Earth is a gift, if, in the end, like all good deeds, it remains-as Weil herself would be the first to insist-a fool's errand.'
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781788160070
Year: 2018
Publisher: Profile Books
Pages: 272
First published in 2000, Aliens & Anorexia defined a female form of chance that is both emotional and radical. Unfolding like a set of Chinese boxes, with storytelling and philosophy informing each other, the novel weaves together the lives of earnest visionaries and failed artists. Its characters include Simone Weil, the first radical philosopher of sadness; the artist Paul Thek; Kraus herself; and 'Africa,' Kraus's virtual S&M partner, who is shooting a big-budget Hollywood film in Namibia while Kraus holes up in the Northwest woods to chronicle the failure of Gravity & Grace, her own low-budget independent film.
In Aliens & Anorexia, Kraus makes a case for empathy as the ultimate perceptive tool, and reclaims anorexia from the psychoanalytic girl-ghetto of poor 'self-esteem.' Anorexia, Kraus writes, could be an attempt to leave the body altogether: a rejection of the cynicism that this culture hands us through its food. As Palle Yourgrau writes in the book's new foreword, 'Kraus's rescue operation for aliens like Weil from behind enemy lines on planet Earth is a gift, if, in the end, like all good deeds, it remains-as Weil herself would be the first to insist-a fool's errand.'