Discover the thrilling world of Alexander's Army #2, a captivating sequel that will immerse you in a high-stakes mystery adventure. This gripping novel follows fourteen-year-old Michael Malone, who, after proving himself in his first mission with the UNICORNE agency, is back for another unexplained enigma. Ideal for fans of young adult fiction and adventure novels, this book delves into Michael's new investigation at a comic book shop where strange occurrences abound. Caught in a web of intrigue, he must navigate untrustworthy allies and confront a cunning unseen enemy. With 320 pages filled with suspense, this book is perfect for readers seeking action-packed stories and engaging characters. Written by a renowned author and published by The Chicken House, Alexander's Army #2 has quickly become a favorite among young readers. The brand new edition, identified by ISBN 9781909489677, promises to captivate your imagination and keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss out on this must-read addition to your collection of mystery and adventure books. Order now for prompt delivery, and immerse yourself in the extraordinary adventures of Michael Malone!
ISBN: 9781909489677
Number of Pages 320
After the success of his first assignment from the UNICORNE agency, fourteen-year-old Michael Malone is given another unexplained mystery to solve. When UNICORNE detect strange goings-on in a comic book shop, Michael is sent to investigate \- a task which is made all the more dif...ficult by allies he can no longer trust, and an enemy he can't actually see \.Read less
ISBN: 9781909489677
Number of Pages 320
After the success of his first assignment from the UNICORNE agency, fourteen-year-old Michael Malone is given another unexplained mystery to solve. When UNICORNE detect strange goings-on in a comic book shop, Michael is sent to investigate \- a task which is made all the more dif...ficult by allies he can no longer trust, and an enemy he can't actually see \.Read less