Discover the thrilling universe of Afterlift, a captivating graphic novel that combines elements of adventure and the supernatural. This Eisner Award-winning series, crafted by renowned creators Chip Zdarsky and Jason Loo, takes you on an exhilarating ride with Janice Chen, a ride-share driver who faces the unexpected on her daily routes. With 112 pages of stunning artwork and gripping storytelling, Afterlift is perfect for fans of graphic novel series seeking both entertainment and depth. Experience a tale filled with car chases, otherworldly pursuits, and the emotional journey of finding one's place in an extraordinary world.
In Afterlift, Janice navigates the chaos of annoying passengers and overbearing parents, only to have her routine disrupted by mysterious figures hunted by demon bounty hunters. This engaging narrative immerses you in a unique blend of humor, action, and drama that explores themes of self-discovery and resilience.
This collector's edition compiles Afterlift #1-#5, featuring all original covers along with a special sketchbook section that showcases the artistic process behind this celebrated series. Perfect for comic book collectors and new readers alike, Afterlift offers an unforgettable experience that is both visually stunning and emotionally resonant.
Order now to get your hands on this brand new 2021 release from RANDOM HOUSE US and add a must-have title to your graphic novel collection. Delivery is quick and reliable, ensuring you won’t have to wait long to dive into this electrifying story.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781506724409
Year: 2021
Pages: 112
Ride-share driver Janice Chen has enough to deal with, from annoying passengers to overbearing parents.
But when she picks up a pair of mysterious passengers who are pursued by otherworldly forces, Janice realizes that her already-terrible day might be headed straight to hell. This Eisner Award-winning series from Chip Zdarsky (Sex Criminals, Daredevil) and Jason Loo (The Pitiful Human-Lizard) features car chases, demon bounty hunters, and figuring out your place in this world and the next.
Collects Afterlift #1-#5 along with all covers and a sketchbook section.
In Afterlift, Janice navigates the chaos of annoying passengers and overbearing parents, only to have her routine disrupted by mysterious figures hunted by demon bounty hunters. This engaging narrative immerses you in a unique blend of humor, action, and drama that explores themes of self-discovery and resilience.
This collector's edition compiles Afterlift #1-#5, featuring all original covers along with a special sketchbook section that showcases the artistic process behind this celebrated series. Perfect for comic book collectors and new readers alike, Afterlift offers an unforgettable experience that is both visually stunning and emotionally resonant.
Order now to get your hands on this brand new 2021 release from RANDOM HOUSE US and add a must-have title to your graphic novel collection. Delivery is quick and reliable, ensuring you won’t have to wait long to dive into this electrifying story.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781506724409
Year: 2021
Pages: 112
Ride-share driver Janice Chen has enough to deal with, from annoying passengers to overbearing parents.
But when she picks up a pair of mysterious passengers who are pursued by otherworldly forces, Janice realizes that her already-terrible day might be headed straight to hell. This Eisner Award-winning series from Chip Zdarsky (Sex Criminals, Daredevil) and Jason Loo (The Pitiful Human-Lizard) features car chases, demon bounty hunters, and figuring out your place in this world and the next.
Collects Afterlift #1-#5 along with all covers and a sketchbook section.