Discover *A Woman*, a poignant and groundbreaking autobiographical novel by Sibilla Aleramo, published by Penguin UK in 2020. This B-format paperback, which spans 240 pages, presents a heart-wrenching narrative that dives deep into the struggles of women in early 20th-century Italy. Within its pages, Aleramo explores powerful themes of love, sacrifice, and the societal expectations placed upon women, asking the timeless question: 'Was this what all women were destined for?'
The story unfolds as a nameless narrator reflects on her idyllic childhood in a picturesque seaside town, only to have her dreams shattered by the harsh realities of adult life. As she becomes increasingly aware of the limitations faced by women—not only in her own life but also in the generations before her—she embarks on a desperate quest for freedom and self-fulfillment.
* A Woman* is not just a novel; it's a essential read for those interested in feminist literature and the fight for women's rights. Experience the raw emotions and unflinching honesty of an era when women were largely voiceless. Aleramo's work continues to inspire and resonate with readers today. Perfect for book clubs or personal reflection, this novel is a must-have for any bibliophile.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241345726
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 240
Delivery Information: Enjoy prompt delivery services, with options to track your order for complete peace of mind as you embark on this remarkable literary journey.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241345726
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 240
The heart-wrenching autobiographical novel that paved the way for feminist writers in Italy
'To love, to sacrifice oneself, and to submit! Was this what all women were destined for?'
When her carefree, aspirational childhood in a seaside town is brought brutally to an end, the nameless narrator of Sibilla Aleramo's blazing autobiographical novel discovers the shocking reality of life for a woman in Italy at the dawn of the twentieth century. As she begins to recognize the similarities between her own predicament and the plight of her mother and the women around her, she becomes convinced that she must escape her fate. Unashamed and remarkably ahead of its time, A Woman is a landmark in European feminist writing.
The story unfolds as a nameless narrator reflects on her idyllic childhood in a picturesque seaside town, only to have her dreams shattered by the harsh realities of adult life. As she becomes increasingly aware of the limitations faced by women—not only in her own life but also in the generations before her—she embarks on a desperate quest for freedom and self-fulfillment.
* A Woman* is not just a novel; it's a essential read for those interested in feminist literature and the fight for women's rights. Experience the raw emotions and unflinching honesty of an era when women were largely voiceless. Aleramo's work continues to inspire and resonate with readers today. Perfect for book clubs or personal reflection, this novel is a must-have for any bibliophile.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241345726
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 240
Delivery Information: Enjoy prompt delivery services, with options to track your order for complete peace of mind as you embark on this remarkable literary journey.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780241345726
Format: B-format paperback
Year: 2020
Publisher: Penguin UK
Pages: 240
The heart-wrenching autobiographical novel that paved the way for feminist writers in Italy
'To love, to sacrifice oneself, and to submit! Was this what all women were destined for?'
When her carefree, aspirational childhood in a seaside town is brought brutally to an end, the nameless narrator of Sibilla Aleramo's blazing autobiographical novel discovers the shocking reality of life for a woman in Italy at the dawn of the twentieth century. As she begins to recognize the similarities between her own predicament and the plight of her mother and the women around her, she becomes convinced that she must escape her fate. Unashamed and remarkably ahead of its time, A Woman is a landmark in European feminist writing.