Transport yourself to an extraordinary realm with 'A Southern Fried Fantasy Adventure Story.' This captivating fantasy novel combines the elements of adventure, camaraderie, and a hint of nostalgia reminiscent of classic 1980s pulp fiction and beloved anime. Dive into a narrative set in an enchanting world where a daring young bounty hunter named Galan and a spirited elf maid named Ivy embark on a quest filled with mystery and laughter. United by fate, they unravel a treacherous plot instigated by an evil prince threatening their land's peace. With dynamic characters, including a cunning rogue and a fearsome action duchess ready to fight for justice, this light novel promises escapist fun for every fantasy enthusiast.
Perfect for readers seeking imaginative stories blending comedy and action, this Southern Fried fantasy is about more than just epic battles—it's a heartwarming adventure about friendships forged in fire. Filled with witty dialogue, unexpected twists, and a charming fuzzy companion, the narrative delights and entertains until the very last page.
Whether you are a fan of low fantasy novels or looking to immerse yourself in a throwback to delightful tales of yesteryears, this book is a must-read. Grab your copy today and enjoy free shipping on your order. Note: Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781667874296
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Bookbaby
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781667874296
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Bookbaby
Escapist Fun for Everyone!
In an empire that never was, in a land strangely familiar, a young bounty hunting swordsman meets a curious elf maid. She's on a pilgrimage, while he only seeks adventure, yet they team up when they happen to discover the seeds of a sinister plot. An evil prince whose house has seethed for centuries against the crown has finally decided to disturb the peace.
Noble Galan, the tall handsome swordsman, and Ivy, a slip of an elf, will rise to the occasion. But will they be enough against the prince's many allies? Thick as thieves, his sorcerers, spies, and fixers abound. Yet the empress has supporters of her own, among them a man of certain skills named Birk. Hey! Wasn't that rogue working for the prince? And Eloise—you've heard of her, haven't you? She's only the second most powerful woman in the entire land—an action duchess who'll never take "no" for an answer.
Add to the mix a fuzzy little vixen, and the recipe is complete—for an adventure so great and a bite so big, that even mighty Galan might not be able to chew it!
A Southern Fried Fantasy Adventure Story is a low fantasy, light novel-style book in a larger "heavy novel" package. Inspired by old pulp fantasies such as those published during the 1980s, as well as older anime adventures like Hajime Kanzaka's Slayers, the work is supposed to be just as unserious as it isn't. Intended as pure escapist fun, the story's focus is always on the characters—the strong plot often necessarily overshadowed by all their little adventures along the way.
Perfect for readers seeking imaginative stories blending comedy and action, this Southern Fried fantasy is about more than just epic battles—it's a heartwarming adventure about friendships forged in fire. Filled with witty dialogue, unexpected twists, and a charming fuzzy companion, the narrative delights and entertains until the very last page.
Whether you are a fan of low fantasy novels or looking to immerse yourself in a throwback to delightful tales of yesteryears, this book is a must-read. Grab your copy today and enjoy free shipping on your order. Note: Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781667874296
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Bookbaby
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781667874296
Format: Trade paperback (US)
Year: 2023
Publisher: Bookbaby
Escapist Fun for Everyone!
In an empire that never was, in a land strangely familiar, a young bounty hunting swordsman meets a curious elf maid. She's on a pilgrimage, while he only seeks adventure, yet they team up when they happen to discover the seeds of a sinister plot. An evil prince whose house has seethed for centuries against the crown has finally decided to disturb the peace.
Noble Galan, the tall handsome swordsman, and Ivy, a slip of an elf, will rise to the occasion. But will they be enough against the prince's many allies? Thick as thieves, his sorcerers, spies, and fixers abound. Yet the empress has supporters of her own, among them a man of certain skills named Birk. Hey! Wasn't that rogue working for the prince? And Eloise—you've heard of her, haven't you? She's only the second most powerful woman in the entire land—an action duchess who'll never take "no" for an answer.
Add to the mix a fuzzy little vixen, and the recipe is complete—for an adventure so great and a bite so big, that even mighty Galan might not be able to chew it!
A Southern Fried Fantasy Adventure Story is a low fantasy, light novel-style book in a larger "heavy novel" package. Inspired by old pulp fantasies such as those published during the 1980s, as well as older anime adventures like Hajime Kanzaka's Slayers, the work is supposed to be just as unserious as it isn't. Intended as pure escapist fun, the story's focus is always on the characters—the strong plot often necessarily overshadowed by all their little adventures along the way.