Dive into the gripping world of 'A School Frozen in Time 2,' a fresh psychological horror novel that explores the haunting challenges faced by modern high school students. Crafted by acclaimed creators Naoshi Arakawa, renowned for 'Your Lie in April,' and Mizuki Tsujimura, the award-winning author of 'Anime Supremacy!', this page-turner is steeped in dramatic twists and deep truths.
In this eerie tale, a seemingly ordinary school day spirals into a nightmare when Hiroshi, Mizuki, and their classmates discover that they are trapped within the icy confines of Seinan Gakuin. The school festival has taken a dark turn, with the memory of a suicide hanging over them as an ominous shadow. As the chilling events unfold, the eight friends are drawn into a horrifying mystery when one of them, Mitsuru, vanishes without a trace, leaving behind only a bloodied path.
A School Frozen in Time 2 is not just another horror story; it delves deep into the pressures, traumas, and secrets that lurk beneath the surface of student life. As the characters grapple with their fears and the unknown, readers will be captivated by the emotional and psychological depth of this thrilling narrative.
With 202 pages of tension, surprises, and insightful commentary on youth struggles, this book is perfect for fans of psychological thrillers and horror fiction. Experience the chilling journey of friendship, fear, and the quest for truth in 'A School Frozen in Time 2,' where the stakes are terrifyingly high, and survival isn’t guaranteed.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781647290429
Year: 2021
Pages: 202
Shipping Information: We offer fast and reliable shipping to ensure you receive your new favorite book quickly. Enjoy seamless delivery options and prompt processing for your order.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781647290429
Year: 2021
Pages: 202
From two star creators Naoshi Arakawa (Your Lie in April) and award winning writer Mizuki Tsujimura (Anime Supremacy!) comes a psychological horror story filled with twists, turns, and hard truths about the lives of high school students and the pressures they face in modern society.
A regular school day has turned into a chilling horror as Hiroshi, Mizuki, and their friends find themselves confined within the frigid walls of Seinan Gakuin. No one can seem to remember who took their own life at the school festival, but whoever it was is keeping them captive. And to make matters worse, the eight trapped classmates become seven when Mitsuru suddenly disappears with only a trail of blood in his place. Now they have even more reason to solve the mystery of their bizarre circumstances-because if they don't, the only thing they may be leaving is this mortal coil...
In this eerie tale, a seemingly ordinary school day spirals into a nightmare when Hiroshi, Mizuki, and their classmates discover that they are trapped within the icy confines of Seinan Gakuin. The school festival has taken a dark turn, with the memory of a suicide hanging over them as an ominous shadow. As the chilling events unfold, the eight friends are drawn into a horrifying mystery when one of them, Mitsuru, vanishes without a trace, leaving behind only a bloodied path.
A School Frozen in Time 2 is not just another horror story; it delves deep into the pressures, traumas, and secrets that lurk beneath the surface of student life. As the characters grapple with their fears and the unknown, readers will be captivated by the emotional and psychological depth of this thrilling narrative.
With 202 pages of tension, surprises, and insightful commentary on youth struggles, this book is perfect for fans of psychological thrillers and horror fiction. Experience the chilling journey of friendship, fear, and the quest for truth in 'A School Frozen in Time 2,' where the stakes are terrifyingly high, and survival isn’t guaranteed.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781647290429
Year: 2021
Pages: 202
Shipping Information: We offer fast and reliable shipping to ensure you receive your new favorite book quickly. Enjoy seamless delivery options and prompt processing for your order.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781647290429
Year: 2021
Pages: 202
From two star creators Naoshi Arakawa (Your Lie in April) and award winning writer Mizuki Tsujimura (Anime Supremacy!) comes a psychological horror story filled with twists, turns, and hard truths about the lives of high school students and the pressures they face in modern society.
A regular school day has turned into a chilling horror as Hiroshi, Mizuki, and their friends find themselves confined within the frigid walls of Seinan Gakuin. No one can seem to remember who took their own life at the school festival, but whoever it was is keeping them captive. And to make matters worse, the eight trapped classmates become seven when Mitsuru suddenly disappears with only a trail of blood in his place. Now they have even more reason to solve the mystery of their bizarre circumstances-because if they don't, the only thing they may be leaving is this mortal coil...