Discover the touching and inspiring story in 'A High Five for Glenn Burke', a captivating novel by Phil Bildner that perfectly intertwines themes of identity, friendship, and acceptance. Set against the backdrop of sporting passion, this heartfelt tale follows sixth grader Silas Wade as he embarks on a school presentation about the legendary Glenn Burke, the first baseball player known for inventing the iconic high five. As Silas prepares, he grapples with his own hidden truth and the challenges of coming out in a world that often struggles to embrace diversity.
In this coming-of-age story, readers will find courage and resilience echoing through Silas's journey of self-discovery. The narrative shines a light on the issues faced by LGBTQ+ youth, making 'A High Five for Glenn Burke' an essential read for fans of middle-grade literature. Explore Silas’s relationships with best friend Zoey and his baseball teammates as he learns the importance of honesty and being true to oneself, even amidst adversity.
This captivating book, complete with 304 pages of engaging storytelling from St Martin’s Press, is an unmissable addition to any young reader's bookshelf. Whether you're exploring themes of sports, identity, or friendship, this novel will resonate deeply with readers of all ages looking for a heartfelt message about belonging and acceptance.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Condition: BRAND NEW, ISBN: 9781250763280, Year: 2021.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250763280
Year: 2021
Publisher: St Martins Press
Pages: 304
When sixth grader Silas Wade does a school presentation on former Major Leaguer Glenn Burke, it’s more than just a report about the irrepressible inventor of the high five. Burke was a gay baseball player in the 1970s—and for Silas, the presentation is his own first baby step toward revealing a truth about himself he's tired of hiding. Soon he tells his best friend, Zoey, but the longer he keeps his secret from his baseball teammates, the more he suspects they know something’s up—especially when he stages one big cover-up with terrible consequences.
A High Five for Glenn Burke is Phil Bildner’s most personal novel yet—a powerful story about the challenge of being true to yourself, especially when not everyone feels you belong on the field.
In this coming-of-age story, readers will find courage and resilience echoing through Silas's journey of self-discovery. The narrative shines a light on the issues faced by LGBTQ+ youth, making 'A High Five for Glenn Burke' an essential read for fans of middle-grade literature. Explore Silas’s relationships with best friend Zoey and his baseball teammates as he learns the importance of honesty and being true to oneself, even amidst adversity.
This captivating book, complete with 304 pages of engaging storytelling from St Martin’s Press, is an unmissable addition to any young reader's bookshelf. Whether you're exploring themes of sports, identity, or friendship, this novel will resonate deeply with readers of all ages looking for a heartfelt message about belonging and acceptance.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Condition: BRAND NEW, ISBN: 9781250763280, Year: 2021.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781250763280
Year: 2021
Publisher: St Martins Press
Pages: 304
When sixth grader Silas Wade does a school presentation on former Major Leaguer Glenn Burke, it’s more than just a report about the irrepressible inventor of the high five. Burke was a gay baseball player in the 1970s—and for Silas, the presentation is his own first baby step toward revealing a truth about himself he's tired of hiding. Soon he tells his best friend, Zoey, but the longer he keeps his secret from his baseball teammates, the more he suspects they know something’s up—especially when he stages one big cover-up with terrible consequences.
A High Five for Glenn Burke is Phil Bildner’s most personal novel yet—a powerful story about the challenge of being true to yourself, especially when not everyone feels you belong on the field.