Discover the harrowing yet inspiring narrative of *A Fire Story*, a captivating account of the devastating Northern California wildfires of October 2017. This powerful paperback by acclaimed author Brian Fies chronicles the real-life events that resulted in 44 lives lost and the destruction of over 6,200 homes and 8,900 structures. In the depths of tragedy, Brian bravely shares his personal journey of loss, detailing how he and his wife lost their home and cherished possessions. Initially published as a web comic, this edition has evolved, now featuring 32 additional pages that delve deeper into community experiences and environmental insights. *A Fire Story* is not just a story of despair but a testament of resilience and the human spirit's ability to rebuild after calamity. Readers will be moved by the vivid illustrations and heartfelt narratives that capture the collective heartbreak and determination of a community. Perfect for those interested in personal narratives, natural disasters, and community strength, this book resonates with anyone seeking hope in the aftermath of destruction. Grab your copy today and witness how storytelling can heal and inspire. Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled. Condition: BRAND NEW. ISBN: 9781419746826. Year: 2021. Publisher: ABRAMS. Pages: 192.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781419746826
Year: 2021
Publisher: ABRAMS
Pages: 192
Early morning on Monday, October 9, 2017, wildfires burned through Northern California, resulting in 44 fatalities. In addition, 6,200 homes and 8,900 structures and were destroyed. Author Brian Fies’s firsthand account of this tragic event is an honest, unflinching depiction of his personal experiences, including losing his house and every possession he and his wife had that didn’t fit into the back of their car. In the days that followed, as the fires continued to burn through the area, Brian hastily pulled together A Fire Story and posted it online—and it immediately went viral. He expanded his original web comic to include environmental insight and the fire stories of his neighbors and others in his community. This paperback version includes 32 new pages that bring the story up-to-date. A Fire Story is a candid testimony of the wildfires that left homes destroyed, families broken, and a community determined to rebuild.
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781419746826
Year: 2021
Publisher: ABRAMS
Pages: 192
Early morning on Monday, October 9, 2017, wildfires burned through Northern California, resulting in 44 fatalities. In addition, 6,200 homes and 8,900 structures and were destroyed. Author Brian Fies’s firsthand account of this tragic event is an honest, unflinching depiction of his personal experiences, including losing his house and every possession he and his wife had that didn’t fit into the back of their car. In the days that followed, as the fires continued to burn through the area, Brian hastily pulled together A Fire Story and posted it online—and it immediately went viral. He expanded his original web comic to include environmental insight and the fire stories of his neighbors and others in his community. This paperback version includes 32 new pages that bring the story up-to-date. A Fire Story is a candid testimony of the wildfires that left homes destroyed, families broken, and a community determined to rebuild.