Experience the heartwarming journey of young Amish twins Henry and Harvey in 'A Dog for Christmas', a bestselling novel by Linda Byler. This touching story unfolds on a snowy Christmas morning when the twins discover a friendly Newfoundland dog named Lucky. As they adapt to their new furry family member, Lucky becomes a loyal companion, bringing joy and laughter to their lives. However, tragedy strikes when Harvey drowns in a spring creek, leaving Henry to navigate his grief accompanied only by Lucky. Set against the backdrop of the Great Depression, Henry's struggles deepen as he is sent to live with another family, where he encounters the enchanting Katie Stoltzfus. As life unfolds, Henry faces heartbreak through the loss of Lucky and the absence of his childhood friend, Katie, who ultimately marries another man. Yet, as Christmas draws near each year, Henry's longing for companionship and love remains unfulfilled. 'A Dog for Christmas' is a poignant tale that showcases the enduring bond between humans and their pets. It teaches us about hope, resilience, and the possibility of new beginnings, even in the face of loss. This novel is the perfect Christmas gift for dog lovers and readers who appreciate stories of miracles and the warmth of family. Add this inspirational book to your holiday reading list and discover if Henry can find happiness once again. Order now and enjoy free shipping on your purchase. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
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Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781680997606
Format: Mass market (rack) paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
One Christmas morning, while young Amish twins Henry and Harvey are sledding, they find a big black dog wandering in a field. They adopt the Newfoundland and name him Lucky, and he soon becomes their best friend and playmate. When tragedy strikes and Harvey drowns in a spring creek, Henry’s only source of comfort is his furry companion. To make matters worse, the Depression is especially hard on Henry’s parents who have more children than they can care for. He is sent to live with another family, where he becomes enchanted with Katie Stoltzfus. Eventually, Lucky passes away, leaving a hole in Henry’s heart, and he wonders if he will ever find another friend as faithful and loving. As Henry grows up, he has other dogs, but none are as special as the Newfoundland he and his brother once cherished. When Katie marries another man, it seems Henry will never be happy again. Every passing Christmas reminds him of the people and animal friends now missing from his life. Though, no holiday story is complete without a miracle. In A Dog for Christmas, bestselling author Linda Byler delivers a beautiful Christmas story of quiet triumph in the face of lifelong adversity. After years of loneliness and longing, Henry is finally rewarded with a hard-won love, a family to call his own, and a new best friend. Could there possibly be a better gift than that?
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781680997606
Format: Mass market (rack) paperback
Year: 2021
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
One Christmas morning, while young Amish twins Henry and Harvey are sledding, they find a big black dog wandering in a field. They adopt the Newfoundland and name him Lucky, and he soon becomes their best friend and playmate. When tragedy strikes and Harvey drowns in a spring creek, Henry’s only source of comfort is his furry companion. To make matters worse, the Depression is especially hard on Henry’s parents who have more children than they can care for. He is sent to live with another family, where he becomes enchanted with Katie Stoltzfus. Eventually, Lucky passes away, leaving a hole in Henry’s heart, and he wonders if he will ever find another friend as faithful and loving. As Henry grows up, he has other dogs, but none are as special as the Newfoundland he and his brother once cherished. When Katie marries another man, it seems Henry will never be happy again. Every passing Christmas reminds him of the people and animal friends now missing from his life. Though, no holiday story is complete without a miracle. In A Dog for Christmas, bestselling author Linda Byler delivers a beautiful Christmas story of quiet triumph in the face of lifelong adversity. After years of loneliness and longing, Henry is finally rewarded with a hard-won love, a family to call his own, and a new best friend. Could there possibly be a better gift than that?