Discover the poignant narrative of *A Country You Can Leave*, a remarkable debut novel by Asale Angel-Ajani that delves into themes of identity, race, and resilience. This story follows the life of sixteen-year-old Lara, who, alongside her fiercely independent mother, Yevgenia, confronts the challenges of homelessness in a community filled with humor and dreams of escape. In the misnamed Oasis Mobile Estates, residents come together, navigating their misfortunes while finding solace in laughter. As Lara embarks on a journey of self-discovery as a Black, biracial daughter of a Russian immigrant, she wrestles with her mother's expectations—ranging from cultural legacies to personal beliefs about relationships and identity.
The novel adeptly navigates complex issues such as inherited trauma and the intricate bonds of familial love, showcasing how a brutal encounter forces Lara and Yevgenia to confront their tumultuous relationship. *A Country You Can Leave* ultimately presents a sharp and empathetic portrayal of womanhood in multiracial America, making it a must-read for those seeking poignant literary explorations of identity and resilience in the face of adversity. This compelling and intimate tale is bound to resonate with readers who appreciate stories rich in character depth and emotional honesty.
**Shipping Information:** Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
**Condition:** BRAND NEW
**ISBN:** 9780374604059
**Year:** 2023
**Publisher:** Farrar Straus Giroux
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780374604059
Year: 2023
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux
When sixteen-year-old Lara and her fiery mother, Yevgenia, find themselves homeless again, the misnamed Oasis Mobile Estates is all they can afford. In this new community, where residents are down on their luck but rich in humor and escape plans, Lara navigates what it means to be the Black, biracial daughter of a Russian mother and begins to wonder what a life beyond Yevgenia’s orbit—insistence on reading only the right kind of books (Russian), drinking the right kind of booze (vodka only), having the right kind of relationships (casual, with lots of sex)—might look like.
Lara knows that something else lies beneath her mother’s fierce, independent spirit, but Yevgenia doesn't believe in sharing, least of all with her daughter. When a brutal attack exposes the cracks in their relationship, Lara and Yevgenia are forced to confront the family legacy of violence and the strain of inherited trauma on the bonds of their love.
A Country You Can Leave is a dazzling, sharp-witted story, suffused with yearning, as Lara and Yevgenia attempt to forge their own identities and thrive in a hostile land. Compelling and empathetic, wry and intimate, Asale Angel-Ajani's unforgettable debut novel examines the beauty and dangers of womanhood in multiracial America.
The novel adeptly navigates complex issues such as inherited trauma and the intricate bonds of familial love, showcasing how a brutal encounter forces Lara and Yevgenia to confront their tumultuous relationship. *A Country You Can Leave* ultimately presents a sharp and empathetic portrayal of womanhood in multiracial America, making it a must-read for those seeking poignant literary explorations of identity and resilience in the face of adversity. This compelling and intimate tale is bound to resonate with readers who appreciate stories rich in character depth and emotional honesty.
**Shipping Information:** Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
**Condition:** BRAND NEW
**ISBN:** 9780374604059
**Year:** 2023
**Publisher:** Farrar Straus Giroux
Note: Shipping for this item is free. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. Once your order is placed, it cannot be cancelled.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9780374604059
Year: 2023
Publisher: Farrar Straus Giroux
When sixteen-year-old Lara and her fiery mother, Yevgenia, find themselves homeless again, the misnamed Oasis Mobile Estates is all they can afford. In this new community, where residents are down on their luck but rich in humor and escape plans, Lara navigates what it means to be the Black, biracial daughter of a Russian mother and begins to wonder what a life beyond Yevgenia’s orbit—insistence on reading only the right kind of books (Russian), drinking the right kind of booze (vodka only), having the right kind of relationships (casual, with lots of sex)—might look like.
Lara knows that something else lies beneath her mother’s fierce, independent spirit, but Yevgenia doesn't believe in sharing, least of all with her daughter. When a brutal attack exposes the cracks in their relationship, Lara and Yevgenia are forced to confront the family legacy of violence and the strain of inherited trauma on the bonds of their love.
A Country You Can Leave is a dazzling, sharp-witted story, suffused with yearning, as Lara and Yevgenia attempt to forge their own identities and thrive in a hostile land. Compelling and empathetic, wry and intimate, Asale Angel-Ajani's unforgettable debut novel examines the beauty and dangers of womanhood in multiracial America.