Explore the enchanting world of 'The Company of Fools', a heartfelt novel by Deborah Ellis that beautifully captures the resilience of children in challenging times. In this captivating tale, readers will follow the journey of Micah, a boy who has only known hardship, and Henri, a shy resident of an abbey. As Micah's spirited nature breathes life into Henri's monotonous world, readers will witness the power of friendship and laughter even in the face of adversity, such as the looming threat of the Plague. This compelling story, spanning 216 pages, invites readers to find joy amid despair and relishes in the healing power of humor. Perfect for young adults and readers who appreciate poignant coming-of-age stories, 'The Company of Fools' engages with themes of bravery, friendship, and the sublime innocence of youth. The book, published by A&U Children's in 2004, is an essential addition to any young reader’s collection. Condition: Brand New. ISBN: 9781741143065. Order now and experience a beautifully woven narrative that resonates through generations. Fast shipping and easy returns are available, ensuring you can enjoy this incredible story without delay. Don't miss out on this remarkable exploration of childhood and resilience!
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741143065
Year: 2004
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 216
Before Micah came to St Luc's, he knew how to beg, how to steal and how to run from a beating. He didn't know how to comb his hair or wait his turn. Now he was a stranger in a strange land. If it had been me, I would have found a way to disappear inside myself until the strangeness wore off. Micah was not like me.
Henri is used to the quiet routines of the abbey. He's shy and solitary, until Micah - a wild troublemaker with the voice of an angel - sweeps into his life like a fresh breeze. Micah stirs up fun and adventure at a time when Henri needs it most. For the Plague is coming. With the tail of a scorpion and breath of fire it will pass through every village and town until nothing can ever be the same. Together, Henry and Micah manage to find fun in the midst of fear. Marching about the countryside with their Company of Fools they revel in the healing power of laughter - at least for a while.
In this gripping story, acclaimed author Deborah Ellis celebrates the extraordinary resilience of children, their capacity for caring, and talent for happiness, even in the darkest times.
Condition: BRAND NEW
ISBN: 9781741143065
Year: 2004
Publisher: A&U Children's
Pages: 216
Before Micah came to St Luc's, he knew how to beg, how to steal and how to run from a beating. He didn't know how to comb his hair or wait his turn. Now he was a stranger in a strange land. If it had been me, I would have found a way to disappear inside myself until the strangeness wore off. Micah was not like me.
Henri is used to the quiet routines of the abbey. He's shy and solitary, until Micah - a wild troublemaker with the voice of an angel - sweeps into his life like a fresh breeze. Micah stirs up fun and adventure at a time when Henri needs it most. For the Plague is coming. With the tail of a scorpion and breath of fire it will pass through every village and town until nothing can ever be the same. Together, Henry and Micah manage to find fun in the midst of fear. Marching about the countryside with their Company of Fools they revel in the healing power of laughter - at least for a while.
In this gripping story, acclaimed author Deborah Ellis celebrates the extraordinary resilience of children, their capacity for caring, and talent for happiness, even in the darkest times.