Discover the poignant tale of bravery and camaraderie in '1916: Dig For Victory', the third installment in the acclaimed Kiwis at War series. Following the journey of Leith, a young Scots-born soldier from Otago, this gripping narrative unveils the experiences of New Zealand soldiers during World War I, particularly the merging of different contingents after the Gallipoli campaign. As part of the 'Pioneer Battalion', tasked with building barracks, constructing roads, and digging trenches, Leith faces the challenges of war while grappling with the complexities of friendship, loyalty, and cultural differences. This historical fiction offers a unique perspective on the bond formed between Leith and Tamati, a young Maori lad eager to serve his country despite the ridicule they face. Set against the harsh realities of the Somme, this heartfelt story illustrates the themes of mutual respect and understanding amidst conflict. With a rich narrative that incorporates significant historical events and figures, '1916: Dig For Victory' is perfect for history enthusiasts, students, and anyone keen to delve into New Zealand's wartime legacy. A treasure for both young readers and adults alike, this book is a must-have addition to any literary collection. Get your copy today and immerse yourself in this captivating journey of valor and friendship that echoes through time. Fast shipping available, ensuring you receive your product in excellent condition. Experience this timeless story shipped with care to your doorstep.
ISBN: 9781775432784
Number of Pages 304
This third book in the Kiwis at War series follows Leith, a young Scots-born lad from Otago, who has been fighting in Galipoli. Much to his disgust, and that of his fellow Otago Mounted Riflies contingent, after the evacuation of Galipoli they are merged with incoming new Maori c...ontingents to become the 'Pioneer Battalion' - buildiing barracks, roads and digging trenches. There is some antagonism between the two factions and when Leith befriends Tamati, a young Maori lad who has lied about his age to enlist, they are ridiculed from both sides. But as time goes by and they are all sent to dig trenches at the Somme, a grudging respect for each other is built up amongst the men.Read less
ISBN: 9781775432784
Number of Pages 304
This third book in the Kiwis at War series follows Leith, a young Scots-born lad from Otago, who has been fighting in Galipoli. Much to his disgust, and that of his fellow Otago Mounted Riflies contingent, after the evacuation of Galipoli they are merged with incoming new Maori c...ontingents to become the 'Pioneer Battalion' - buildiing barracks, roads and digging trenches. There is some antagonism between the two factions and when Leith befriends Tamati, a young Maori lad who has lied about his age to enlist, they are ridiculed from both sides. But as time goes by and they are all sent to dig trenches at the Somme, a grudging respect for each other is built up amongst the men.Read less